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About InfernalMonsoon

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  1. Thanks a ton for pointing me to that! I used the workaround method that squidink7 made and so far it seems to be working like a total charm :) I knew I was going to run into issues eventually but it makes me really happy to see smart people who know their stuff help others out with these problems. So I feel completely rejuvenated!
  2. Hi everyone. I know the UDB devs don't use Linux and the Linux version is basically untested and bound to have problem, however I've not had many issues with UDB before until today. I was working on a project with a few friends and suddenly I found myself with the error displayed in the picture. After the error pops up and I hit OK, the program will close and I lose progress. This seems to have stemmed from my updating UDB through the AUR as I've not had this issue before. I've tried just about everything, from reinstalling, to recompiling, to hunting down the dll that's apparently the root cause of the problem but to no avail. This issue only seems to occur when overwriting already existing wad files, the issue however doesn't affect making new wad files. I like to keep backups for sure but having to make a new back up on every save is beyond excessive to me. So if anyone is more savvy with UDB and such then I'd appreciate some pointers on how to solve this problem. If it comes to it I may have to just bite the bullet and make a github account to report the bug to the developers if people are stumped on this one.
  3. Probably some of the best 2 minutes ever composed for a video game, definitely up there as one of my favourite game tracks of all time. Damjan is a master of the art of video game music and Siberian Mayhem is excellent, more people should play it.
  4. Ceres, because I want to see what life would be like for a planetoid deep within an asteroid belt.
  5. Welcome! I usually only come on here once in a blue moon myself, but the community is pretty chill and fairly smart, so plenty of fun Doom and other conversations to be had here.
  6. I only played through the first game but I guess you should absolutely expect something more story driven, a bit janky, a bit confusing and a game where you really need to pay attention what you've done, where you've been and what your next goal is otherwise you'll need a guide for basically every level. That said while I think the second third of Marathon 1 is really weak, I'm excited to play Durandel and Infinity because I really enjoy the combat, most of the level design, the story and lore and just how unique it is compared to most other boomer shooters of its era. Also the moon physics in the game are weird and dodgy at first but eventually becomes fun gliding through sections like you're Spyro the Dragon, but it also makes you consider your movement on different elevations during combat. Really adds a level of uniqueness to the games imo.
  7. Reading all these posts and knowing how much of an absolute shite company Dell is, it just reminds me of this video that perfectly encapsulates how hellish it can be dealing with them.
  8. I bought a treadmill recently to become more fit, healthy and active, which has been really helping my physical and mental health. And my cat threw up on it.
  9. I get that sometimes, usually the sound of someone shouting my name, most often the voice of my own dad but then I jolt wide awake and realise I'm just hearing things.
  10. In all seriousness though, no I haven't. I can only count my sleep paralysis experiences on one hand and there's none of the messed up stuff I often see people mention. Though I do get some crazy auditory hallucinations, like my fan next to my bed sounding incredibly distorted to the point where it sounds like an orchestral sting in a horror film as well as sounds of loud creaking and cracking, almost like my bones are snapping while I can't feel it. So yeah, still pretty messed up in its own way, fairly unnerving but I'm definitely lucky I don't really get them.
  11. I must admit there was a few huffs of copium in that. Could very well go down the shitter in due time.
  12. I design a map entirely around UV first and foremost, to get that intended experience in first and then continuously test my maps purely with that difficulty in mind. And then as I'm nearing the end of finishing it up, I start downscaling certain enemy placements that contribute most to the difficulty of certain scenarios and then test those difficulties.
  13. I'm honestly all in favour of having some light hearted spin-off games. I mean if Serious Sam can have an entire spin-off/indie series that's more vast than its mainline games then I have no qualms with Doom having a similar treatment. I mean, a lot of those Serious Sam indies were pretty good and Mighty Doom could be too, so long as Bethesda are not putting microtransactions as the front and center focus.
  14. Been making my way through a replay of Strange Aeons, which I've been streaming as a way to chill and chat to my usual online friends. After all these years it's still pretty good!
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