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About Stahp

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    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. It's been 0 days without broken phones
  2. Angry anime girl with long hair idk i don't watch anime
  3. I kinda like arcade mode, but you barely get something new compared to normal DOOM aside from scores and badges, if it was a wave based mode it would be intresting imo
  4. Amazing mod, looking forward to it. Now for the criticism, i think the maps should be longer, with less obvious secrets and more enemies, the first map can be completed in less than 10 seconds if you are fast enough. The other thing would be that arrows attack the enemy and bounce back to the player, it would be much more better if the arrows stayed attached to the enemy and as such could not be recovered (until the enemy is dead, although i don't know if that's possible) Also, maybe you should include a guide about the environment and stuff, like what does an iron block do?
  5. So some days ago i was playing Deus Ex Human Revolution, doing the O' Malley mission, and i was looking for the weapons stash in DRB territory. Now, if you didn't know this (Which i highly doubt since it's extremely hard to miss), a blob fish is painted in the wall in the small place where the stash is located. I am well aware that the founders of Ion Storm and therefore creators of Deus Ex were former Id employees, but it was still a surprise. Anyone know any other cases of this kind of thing happening?
  6. Wait, what happened? From the posts that i read out of context the only thing i can imagine someone hacked into the server and DDoS'd the members?
  7. It's subjective, but it's definetely not bad, my wording was incorrect, but what could i have written? Sight for sore eyes?
  8. Never heard the mod before, and while it is kinda weird in some aspects, it was a huge mod, and if you ignored the weird parts it could be in the hall of "Amazing mods that feel like DLCs" along with Fallout Miami and Beyond Skyrim: Bruma. The thing is, the guy should definetely have been kicked, he's a criminal, everyone agrees on this, but the thing is, treating an artist as the art is pretty incorrect. A little experiment to explain what i mean: This painting is beautiful, correct?
  9. Remember that the Cyberdemon is actually a technologically enhanced demon, maybe a Baron of Hell, so yeah, it's pretty possible that the natural Cyberdemon is actually low in the demological food chain
  10. Yeah, videos like that I doubt it supports sprites, since it's a 3D software, however, Half-Life utilizes WADs for storing textures, so it might be possible to add Doom textures to Half-Life mods or even animations
  11. Algo que me pasa es que entiendo perfectamente el portugues escrito, pero no soy bueno hablandolo o escribiendolo. En cuanto a lo de los paises que usan latin, la iglesia cristiana catolica utiliza el latin en sus ceremonias, y la Ciudad del Vaticano (Lindo nombre para un pais) tiene como lenguaje oficial el latin
  12. Oh no, i mean the original Doom from 1993, and unless you have any sprites of r34, you're safe :)
  13. From what i heard, not much, brazilians i believe pronounce more the z iirc
  14. Vaya, este es un concepto interesante. Sobre el ultimo post, mis condolencias por como termino, y todo el schadenfraude (Veamos como Google Translate traduce esta palabra exclusiva al aleman) que tuviste. De todas formas, aca va la pregunta, Estoy interesado en saber que herramientas la comunidad de Doom uso en 1993 antes de que fueramos mimados pot GZDoom Builder y Ultimate Doom Builder, como se veia la interfaz?
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