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About LudicrousFPS

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  1. I love Russian Overkill, its amazing.
  2. Well, in 5 days it's going to be June, so you're a bit late.
  3. If I can't beat a wad, I just run through it with Russian Overkill, which basically makes me feel like a god. Otherwise, I don't really need mods.
  4. I got it from here I don't know if this is the Moddb you're talking about I'm really dumb
  5. I have no idea where to put this because it's really niche I decided to reply Hell Revealed for the heck of it. I boot it up with prboom, and I get greeted with the standard doom 2 music. Everything else works fine except that there's no custom music. Now, Rise of the Triad songs are pretty wicked, so I'm kinda missing out on a lot. This is probably something that I can fix in 5 seconds, but I'm honestly too stupid to figure it out.
  6. Personally, I would've tried to beat both The Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 on UV, and then I'd be done. The limitless community content is a major reason the community is thriving, and without that community, there just isn't that much.
  7. Map 32 of Eviternity. Forgot the name. Took me forever with saves, and that was on HMP as well.
  8. Blockmap takes the candle, no fucking contest. Mancubus fireball clipping is definitely second.
  9. Difficulties make the game more accessible. Plenty of folks have fond memories of playing Doom as a little kiddo in the 90s, and I bet they wouldn't have such a great time if the only difficulties was UV and Nightmare.
  10. Archviles and revenants. I have more trouble with them than chaingunners, which can actually be easily dispatched.
  11. Penultimate level in DOOM 2, makes sense to have a cyberdemon. Doesn't make sense that it's so easy to skip. I would make a bigger arena for it, along with like 3 switches that you would have to press to lower the exit. Would make skipping much harder, while also being still possible for speedrunners and such.
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