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About fran

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    La vida de un crítico es sencilla en muchos aspectos...

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  1. Can you teach me how you compile woof for mac? I've been dying to try out some of the new features

    1. fran


      Sorry for the delay. You have two options: 1) update Woof via Homebrew: https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/woof-doom ; or 2) compile the dev version: a) You need to download the github repo, b) install the required libraries via brew (sdl2, sdl2_net, openal-soft, libsndfile, fluidsynth, libxmp), c) and execute this command in the terminal (in the main folder of the downloaded repository): “mkdir build; cd build; cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release; make” this compile the main executable!


      (I attach the scripts I use to compile, if you want to automate the process)


  2. Yes, I just think I remember it was aligned with the other options
  3. Hello! I just noticed that the menu looks like this in all the versions I have compiled (since January 11), it has been looking like this all this time and I hadn't noticed or could it be a problem related to the SDL2 libraries? (I use macOS and updated the SDL2 libraries yesterday). (I ask if it could be related to SDL2 as I seem to remember it was aligned with the other options, and I can't think of another reason other than that or my bad memory) :(
  4. This does work on Mac, what seems very strange to me is that the GUI does not work for him when it exists in the Mac build :(
  5. I doubt it, I'm a Mac user and I can set the launcher in this way in v4.10, with macOS 12.4 and Intel processor. I dunno if it's a compatibility problem, but in your situation I would try to generate a new ini file.
  6. Go to Options → Miscellanous options → Show IWAD selection dialog: ON Or, in gzdoom.ini set: queryiwad=true The next time you start GZDoom you will see the launcher
  7. What version of GZDoom are you using? v4.10.0 still have the macOS launcher. How are you launching the game?
  8. PrBoom in GBA: https://github.com/doomhack/GBADoom PrBoom in NDS: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/DS_Doom Through RetroArch PrBoom also run in PS2, PS3, PS4, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Switch, etc: https://docs.libretro.com/library/prboom/
  9. I like it! I compiled your implementation for macOS, in case anyone else wants to try it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2erw3gt4xwodhrm/Woof-v10.5.1-fuzz-mac.7z
  10. Dude, you don't even know how your operating system works.
  11. v0.25.6 compiled for macOS: dsda-doom-v0256-mac.7z
  12. v0.25.4 compiled for macOS: DSDA-Doom-v0.25.4-mac.7z
  13. I compiled this launcher that work on mac (https://github.com/Hypnotoad90/RocketLauncher2). To make it work you must do the same as with the woof app: drop the app in the downloads folder, open terminal.app and type: xattr -cr ~/Downloads/RocketLauncher2.app Let me know if it works for you! RocketLauncher2-20230110-mac.7z P.S. In the "Additional Command Line Arguments" you can define: -complevel, -pistolstart, etc. Dropbox mirror (for in case I delete the attachment): https://www.dropbox.com/s/t4p4g503bi9sp4i/RocketLauncher2-20230110-mac.7z
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