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About MtPain27

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  1. Yes. It seems to me that life is an ongoing struggle against feelings of emptiness and/or pointlessness. When you are alone (or feel as if you are alone), the feelings of purposelessness and emptiness quickly multiply. I would normally suggest seeking solace in movies, music, or art made by or about people that you feel a connection with, or even better, making something of your own which reflects what you see in yourself or the world around you, but after doing those things for my entire adult life (while neglecting many relationships), I have concluded that, for me, there is no replacement for in-person human connection. If you can pin down a job (any job, really), you may feel a lift. Having an obligation to someone or something gives you a purpose, no matter how irrelevant you may believe it is. Offering your time to someone else or to a cause with no expectation of a reward (not even a 'thank you') might make you feel better. Giving feels good. Being outside walking, running, looking at things, passing people on the street, always makes me feel a tiny bit better than being inside. It usually distracts me from the emptiness, and at least offers the sensory satisfaction of putting one foot in front of the other. When I'm inside, I dread going out, but when I'm out, I'm usually glad I went. Walking to the grocery store (when you have that luxury) is one of life's unsung pleasures. It takes courage -- a lot of it -- to insert yourself into the world, and courage is a precious commodity these days. You probably have more of it than you think you do. Good luck to you, Grungo.
  2. Playing with a slightly old version of DSDA Doom and there was some weirdness with the status bar stats: it would refresh and correct itself when I would pull up the menu, but every time I would change weapon or take damage, it left weird partial numbers behind. No clue what would cause this. Can't wait to play this, it's a novel idea for a community project. I expect it to be quite time-intensive!
  3. Thrilled to see this project materialize! The Nova series has produced three of the most interesting grab-bag style megawads I’ve played, and I have been secretly hoping to join a potential Nova IV for some time now. If we’re picking maps slots, I’d like MAP 17, but I’d be happy to take any slot in the Haunted episode. Can’t wait to see what everybody comes up with :)
  4. Showed up just in time to second Plums' mentionation: for me, UDINO might not be the 'best' set of UD maps I've played (very hard to define 'best'), but playing through RC1 was one of the rawest, most gripping Doom experiences I've had in a long time and I can't wait to play it again. It'll fool you into thinking it's not crazy for about an episode and a half (actually E1M7 kind of gives it away), but by the time you reach Inferno, it doesn't even bother pretending anymore. An updated list of Doomworld's Most Memorable Maps could easily take five from this set, no exaggeration. If Doom has recently been losing its luster for you, play this. You won't even know what hit you.
  5. Hooray! I'm so glad IV wasn't the final chapter after all :)
  6. Adjacent to Firedust's note: this lion switch is S1, so if you miss the yellow key twice like I did, you can't return to it. You have my vote for Creator of the Year, by the way. I've been burning through this wad -- the first few maps brutalized me (MAP 01 is insane!), but it's evened out down the stretch and kept up the maniacal energy. Great job!
  7. Yep, they're stuck in ZDoom. From 2:15 on in this video demonstrates. (spoilered to save space)
  8. Having a great time with this so far! Two quick notes: in MAP 05, the arachnotrons in the monster closets are stuck together (ZDoom 2.8.1), and I found two oddities in Peccatum's MAP 06 - some missing textures and a slime trail, I think. Congrats on the RC :)
  9. I squeezed in E1 before bed (this is more important); you make it look effortless, and mapping is anything but effortless. Can't wait to blaze through the rest of this!
  10. I just recently became a fan of this megawad by @TheMightyWhoosh. Like Myolden's Nostalgia from last year, it hearkens back to a simpler time in Dooming, and it was one of the most stress-free and comfortable playthroughs of my 2023. I can tell Whoosh is a big TNT fan (takes one to know one), because maps like 06, 18, and 27 get closer to evoking that Doom-95-weird feeling than most maps in TNT's unofficial sequels. If you play it, I encourage you to stick it out till the last episode, because Whoosh catches fire from maps 22 to 27: that stretch has some of the best looking and best playing stuff I've seen from him. Also, having played Kinda, I can say that this set is much kind-er to pistol starters, which I really appreciated :) Way to go, MightyWhoosh!
  11. I'm out of my depth but it's too late, I'm addicted. So many incredible ideas and designs articulated in one wad. The curveballs you guys have been throwing, and all with single flats and textures...it's unbelievable, and more importantly fun as hell (though like I said, I'm out of my depth). Stopping at MAP16 for tonight, but excited to get ground into dust by the rest. I want to see the whole thing, but maybe not on UV. @akolai, MAP13 is one of my new favorite maps. Transcendent. I hope Doomworld takes notice.
  12. Nope, not required to be in MAP 02 - I just put it there because it wouldn't load properly with the resource pack in the 01 slot. You can just call it "Time." I only put the map # info in the title because I didn't want people to miss it. Also I forgot to mention that it's in Boom format, though it could probably be vanilla compatible also, since I didn't use many lines or any special Boom tricks.
  13. Title: Time (it's MAP02) Music: "One Billion Skittles" (version 1) Sky: None Difficulty Settings: No Build Time: 5-6 hours Comments: An homage to @Benjogami. I suggest turning the volume way down when the clock strikes 10 and midnight. Tested on ZDoom. I included one custom texture, 'MEM256.' Happy to make any necessary changes. Hope it isn't too shitty. Remember, time is the most valuable thing you have. Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/lia9mjwihcp8q4l/Time.wad/file
  14. I'll steal Nirvana's sleeper answer because it's a good one:
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