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Mr. T

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About Mr. T

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  1. So I visited Yangshuo, China. This is where the E1 mountains come from.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mr. T

      Mr. T

      Hmmmm not a bad idea

    3. 40oz


      photoshop a doom status bar on it.

    4. wildweasel


      You should have taken a 360 panorama of it so we can finally have an HD resolution version of the skybox. =P

  2. Anyone read this? While a thickass book (like a lot of Stephen King) it is definitely a page turner. I really enjoyed it, he did a good job of threading all the different ideas in the story together.

    The time travel aspect itself he pulled off very well. The only thing that stuck in my mind was that if everything resets itself, why not save-scum cash instead of pissing the mob off thru illegal gambling?

    The payoff his betting sets up is more than worth it, though.
    Probably the funniest line in the book was a joke with the "grandfather paradox" as it's punchline. The main character asked something like, "what if you went back in time and killed your grandfather?" to which the reply was, "Why on earth would you do that?". Lol.

    The ending I wasn't so hot on. I would have preferred it if Jack had just died in crap-future Maine. The ending as it is was appropriately happy and tied things up nicely in-universe, but didn't leave me feeling satisfied.

  3. Mr. T

    Rage HD Free For A Week

    Rage and Rage HD for iOS are free for the next week. The goal is to make your way through each of these levels and earning as much in-game cash as possible. RAGE for the iPhone is entirely on rails, and it plays a lot like other arcade-style rails shooters like Time Crisis. The game runs you through each level and you control your field of view, aiming at things with a crosshair in the center of the screen.
  4. OK the last FPS I actively played when it was "new" was HL2. I finally ponyed up and got an OK system (2x2core Xeon, Radeon HD5770) so decided to play Black Ops to test it out.

    TL;DR thoughts:

    -The graphics! WOW
    -Regenerating health actually makes sense in a game like this. It beats getting down to 1hp then save scumming your way to the next medkit. Online it is fucking retarded, being down to 1hp and winning is actually more exciting :-)

    -Waaaay too linear. Your actions caused your team mates to die? You're not supposed to go that way? WTF! At least let me have an awesome fight to the death against infinite guards or something. This kind of thing kills the immersion.

    An example of this kind of thing done the right way is Goldeneye. You can't finish the mission / progress to the next objective if you "fail" but are free to f### around in parts of the map you have "unlocked" to your heart's content.

    -Weapons are lame. I honestly can't tell the difference between any of the main weapons, they are all spam cannons. Boring.

    The RPG-perks etc are really stupid in an online FPS. I guess they are just there so that noobs / people with no skill and too much time can pwn someone and feel good about themselves (and buy the next COD game whenever it comes out)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. wildweasel


      Some of the Wager Match modes online are good fun; I have a lot of fun with Sticks and Stones (all players have ballistic knives, explosive crossbow bolts, and a single tomahawk which will set a killed player's score back to zero if it hits). That said, the community online seems to fall into the same ruts as many online shooters: the same boring maps (everybody ALWAYS votes Radiation and Firing Range), the same elitist attitude (at least it's easy to mute everyone that has a mic), and the same retarded-accurate camping snipers (thankfully they rarely show up on the lower-ranked game modes, since you need to be a somewhat high level to get any of the sniper rifles that are any good).

      I like that most of the guns have similar effects, because I'm something of a gun nut and occasionally prefer to pick a favorite over what I'm "supposed" to be using. My "winning" combination so far is a Stakeout shotgun and a Python revolver, or else an RPK and an M72 to deal with the flying killstreak rewards.

    3. DuckReconMajor


      WildWeasel said:

      (everybody ALWAYS votes Nuketown)


      I can't blame them for voting for Radiation and Firing Range though. They're great maps. Launch is great too, but no one will vote with me on that.

    4. Coopersville


      I like Launch.

      I'm rubbish at Cracked and Jungle though.

  5. Only a few hours left of 2010!

    Things that happened in the last ten years:
    Social media
    War on terrorism

    1. GreyGhost


      The fireworks have finished here in Hobart, so it's probably safe to say Happy New Year.

      BTW - both Broadband and MP3 date from the mid 90s.

    2. Mr. T

      Mr. T

      GreyGhost said:

      The fireworks have finished here in Hobart, so it's probably safe to say Happy New Year.

      BTW - both Broadband and MP3 date from the mid 90s.

      I meant, they became ubiqitious or however you spell that. Happy new year man.

  6. Hi, I have a 2006 Mac Pro (lol.) are the specs on this OK to play games if I dual boot to Wind0ze and erm... acquire them?

    2x double-core Xeon woodcrest @ 2.66ghz
    7gb FBRAM @ 667mhz (2gb x 2, 512mb x 6)
    Radeon HD5770

  7. Drunken email from a former customer (a bar owner)

    K....im gonna let the rest of the list go..most are invalid anyways..those of you on this by accident..just deal....WE DID NOT havea stabbing at misfits..some stupid fuck got hit in the face........then they went downstairs and called the cops cause thers been an accident. I have to hide in my bar for two hours before i deal with CSI japan till just now......those of you I called who are suppossed to answer in this case...it was noticed....next time you need to get out of jail.......call me.....oops...its late...im drunk..and not typing well....those of you in the bad know who you are....or trust me..........Ill let you know this week.

    1. Show previous comments  51 more
    2. deathbringer


      A building at my university had misaligned textures and random hallways like a 1994 level. I'd build a map of it but nobody would beleive me.

    3. Mr. T

      Mr. T

      deathbringer. You must make that map!

      We're no strangers to love
      You know the rules and so do I
      A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
      You wouldn't get this from any other guy
      Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
      Gotta make you understand

    4. Mr. T
  8. Wish her luck! Im gonna be a daddy hehe

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. DuckReconMajor


      Mr. T has a kid. Ha!

    3. Philnemba


      So what you name the little guy?

    4. Bucket


      Lowercase t.

  9. One of my flatmates didn't flush after taking a dump. Even worse, there was no toilet paper in the bowl... which means one my flatmates now has an unwiped ass.


    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. DuckReconMajor


      A Google Image Search of "creaphis's unwiped fanny" proves otherwise.

    3. Bucket


      I don't know what the hell I eat, but my poop always has sharp edges and my sphincter bleeds something awful.

    4. Mr. T

      Mr. T

      Creaphis said:

      I think it bears mentioning that every once in a while I'm pretty darn sure that my poop came out cleanly. Maybe Mr. T's flatmate just has similarly good judgement.

      Yeah, but how can you CONFIRM that without at least a test wipe? Come on now.

  10. one of the cool things about living in NZ :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grazza


      And Christmas is in summer.

    3. zark


      And hot snow falls up.

    4. myk


      Well just like over here, then; sparkling hot flakes leaving the earth onto the sky, brightening the dark nightly streets of revelry.

  11. I popped the cartridge of DOOM 64 that I spent $30 on a couple of years ago into the black box today. Not your mothers box, but my aging Nintendo 64. I loaded it up on UV and shot some stuff (mainly guys with green hair and skinhead racists.) "Something's missing" I thought.

    Deciding that this game didn't hold enough sentimental value, I packed the N64 and booted up E1M1 on the computer. Listening to the rocking guitar riffs, I realized what was wrong with DOOM 64. IT DIDN'T HAVE COOL MUSIC!

    I'll admit that the ambient stuff is quite scary, especially if you are eight and scared of the dark (or like ambient music, duh) but the "inspired" (cough) metal tracks from the PC games get me in the mood for killing stuff so much more than the buzzes and hums of the console ports of the games.

    I guess it really boils down to whether or not you want to be scared, or be the guy who puts Arnold Schwarzenegger to shame for a few hours.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hustler One

      Hustler One

      yes, I also believe that music is an important quality in games. like in FF7! ROCK ON! *headbangs*

    3. Sharessa
    4. Hustler One

      Hustler One

      What dew you mean by ew? DEW YEW DISS FF7!

  12. Damn, I can't wait for this game! It looks ultra seks!
    I can't remember how long I have being waiting patiently for a DOOM III. Way back in '96 or something like that when I was a little nipper, I rememeber asking my smelly classmates if they had played DOOM III. One said "HELL YEAH!" and I went around to his home, only to find Ultimate DOOM (I was fooled at the time, of course.)

    I think that id were kinda lazy to just make a remake of DOOM with their new engine (which looks cumtastic), but DOOM II kinda shut out the possibility of any sequels.

    I sincerely hope that id do a good job on the game and keep true to DOOM's roots; lots of killing stuff, killing stuff, and more killing stuff. It would make me mad if they try to do an RE-style scary game instead of one thats actually fun to play. Of course, it could still be a fun game to play but I don't think it would be worthy of the "DOOM" title.

    That's my rant for today.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mr. T

      Mr. T

      Hey, 10 years ago me! Don't get so excited! You're just setting yourself up for a lifetime of never being able to get excited about anything ever again.

    3. Cupboard


      Hah, it's a little early to be jaded? Doom 4's release date is still half a decade away from our current vector. Who knows how much id will be forced to tailor Doom 4 to the PS4/XB1 specs?

    4. baronofheck82


      Mr. T said:

      Damn, I can't wait for this game! It looks ultra seks!
      I can't remember how long I have being waiting patiently for a DOOM III. Way back in '96 or something like that when I was a little nipper, I rememeber asking my smelly classmates if they had played DOOM III. One said "HELL YEAH!" and I went around to his home, only to find Ultimate DOOM (I was fooled at the time, of course.)

      I think that id were kinda lazy to just make a remake of DOOM with their new engine (which looks cumtastic), but DOOM II kinda shut out the possibility of any sequels.

      I sincerely hope that id do a good job on the game and keep true to DOOM's roots; lots of killing stuff, killing stuff, and more killing stuff. It would make me mad if they try to do an RE-style scary game instead of one thats actually fun to play. Of course, it could still be a fun game to play but I don't think it would be worthy of the "DOOM" title.

      That's my rant for today.

      Oh really?

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