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About worldinvader

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  1. I'm looking for the name of an old xxx/gore wad from, I think, back in the '90s. It was set in a strip club, and had crude MSpaint stripper enemies that bled out of their bellybuttons(?) when they died. It ended with a boss battle agains a big butch stripper. You started outside the club, with a small street section, and had to find a key to get inside. There was also a hidden chaingun in the starting area somewhere. I think its name was, not "Vixens" or "Sirens", but something in that vein... I believe it was for Doom II, but I'm not 100%. IIRC it was a two level wad, but the second level (also in a strip club) was more of a stub (very short, like one room, and no exit). Sounds familiar to anyone?
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