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Everything posted by LOD42

  1. If you can't use Doom 2 for whatever reason, you can use Freedom phase 2 as an alternative: https://freedoom.github.io/download.html Things will look a bit different, but asides from that it should work just fine.
  2. I don't know how to fix the underlying issue, but I found out through the discord that there's a command line argument for UDB "-portable" that makes UDB use the app folder instead of the appdata one. Applying my backup config to it actually works now, so hopefully the issue has been resolved now. Thank you to who ever helped me.
  3. Sorry in advance if bumping this thread is inappropriate, but I'm still having the issue. Even using an old config file doesn't seem to work in the new version. Weirdly enough, the preference settings seem to be the only ones that're resetting now, because the game config ones seem to be just fine.
  4. Hi, I've been trying to get back into mapping, but all I know is that one day, Ultimate Doom Builder just kept resetting my configuration every... computer reset? I tried simply closing it and reopening it, but the config stills seems to be fine. It's only when I open it up the next day when it starts acting up, that's all I know. It could also just be happening every time it updates or something, but I'm not sure. Is there any way to fix this? Any help would be appreciated. Also, it'd be nice to know where UDB stores its config.
  5. Hey, you forgot to set the link to public so we can access it...
  6. I completely agree and I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks this! This map was sort of designed for savescumming, and I didn't think much about that while I made it. I think at least part of the problem is that it's so damn cramped, there's barely any room to move, to dodge stuff. It's sort of a mapping flaw of mine, and I commit a lot even until now, and I want to change that once I get back to mapping again. So thank you for powering through it though lmao. This whole project was a great learning experience for me at least.
  7. DAMN, the difficulty definitely wasn't intended, haha! I hope it was at least fun enough.
  8. To be fair, it gave this level the name: "The Infernal Forge"
  9. I think it'd be for the best for me if I don't. Here are the prompts and the latest copy of my incomplete map: DoomGPT_-_MAP07_-_LOD42_-_Prompts_and_Map.zip Sorry for dragging the project down! I'm stepping down from my slot. I hope someone can do my slot justice.
  10. Yes, but barely. I haven't handed it over to anyone yet, and I don't even know where to even begin with doing that.
  11. Sorry for being very late. I kept getting unsatisfied with the prompts/maps and remaking them over and over. If I don't finish by today I think I'll just submit this map and the prompts anyways and maybe someone else can finish it.
  12. Alright, an update to MAP01 as a response to the feedback: PL01-LOD42v2.zip - Fixed the unpegged door, that's actually a lift lol, now I'm not sure I fixed the right door.. - I've been able to collect the green armor just fine in my testing, so I simply adjusted the armor to have its hitbox more exposed so it's easier to collect. - I'm not sure if I understood the key-type inconsistency problem correctly, I just made all 2 of the keys skulls.
  13. Hope y'all don't mind the second post! I've been thinking of getting someone to play the map and give their feedback on it, and then I'll relay said feedback to the AI and see what it'll tell me to adjust.
  14. Thank you! I've only been able to complete 2 rooms so far, and I've 5 more rooms to go (7 in total). Oops, I didn't know I was replying to an older post lol
  15. It's actually the opposite for me. I used Eureka for my first few years at mapping when I was just starting out, but then I switched to the DB line of editors after a long hiatus from Doom mapping. During said hiatus, I largely forgot how to use Eureka and thought I should use this as an oppurtunity to switch to DB, since it seemed that other people were using it too. I eventually stumbled across the various DB forks and started trying them out to replace DB, since it wasn't getting updates anymore. I tried DBX at first, then after I sorted out some OpenGL issues I tried out GZDB, and eventually settled on UDB after GZDB got discontinued.
  16. It's a shame we don't have a Chocolate Boom kind of port yet, because I'm personally kind of interested in mapping within the limitations of DOS Boom. In the meantime, I guess I'll just have to stick with DOSBox for now, though I just wish I could setup UDB to use it like you would do with the non-DOS source ports.
  17. Hey, just want to help out. You might have to stick to using an old version of DSDA-Doom, but I found this. I hope this helps!
  18. MAP25 Pacifist in 00:08.60 sw25p860.zip
  19. Ok, another update to my map. I finally got the time to test it myself and with some other people too. I fixed a HOM near the end, tweaked the monster placement and added another secret. edit: darn, spotted a bug wherein the items in one of the secrets dont appear on ITYTD and HMP(easy), fixed now.. mb
  20. Hmm, IRL's getting kinda busy, though I do still wanna participate. In the meantime, I've got a question for the CP runner people guys.. Does asking ChatGPT to give me a list of all of the weapons and/or enemies of Doom 1 and 2 are count as manipulating ChatGPT into using more stuff in its map? Because when I used it without doing that before, I had problems with ChatGPT only using imps, pinkies and lost souls as enemies, and I personally wasn't satisfied with it(Happened when I was making prompts for the map when I gaslit it). I also had to tell it to use enemies when referring to any of the demons in the game instead, because demons(pinkies) were already an enemy type and it made it harder for me to interpret ChatGPT when it said a room had demons in it. It's okay too right?
  21. Just wanted to inform you all that I updated the map a bit with minor rebalancings and bug fixes, I hope you don't mind
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