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Fort Escapades

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About Fort Escapades

  • Rank
    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. Hi, if you like horror elemets, this might be for you, Ismo's quest: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NZErHqYsvcbFPl0x37aI5e9XArT-vXae/view?usp=sharing


    It takes place in a Scandinavian home where the protagonist is you, Ismo.
    Ismo's heart is set on a captivating quest: the retrieval of his older brother's
    coveted Ben 10 toy collection. This quest unfolds while their parents are away,
    attending to errands and chores. As you embark on this whimsical journey, be
    prepared to navigate a series of intricately designed rooms, each brimming with
    puzzles and challenges that must be conquered to bring Ismo closer to his
    ultimate goal.

    The majority of ideas originate from my children.

  2. Should have changed all enemies and things to Archviles. Have a real nightmare on your hands. No pickups, just archies.
  3. I am sorry for your pain, my friend. If it is any consolation...which I doubt it is...if thoughts of suicide were truly haunting her...which they seem to have been...she was probably just calling to say goodbye. You teaching her how to shoot did not result in her suicide. If the thoughts were there, but the gun wasn't, it probably would have been a rope, or pills, or some other means. A tool doesn't need a job, a job needs a tool. Don't blame yourself. It isn't your fault. I hope you find peace.
  4. The new era of DOOM...Doom Forever. Comes out Holiday Season 2024 2025 2026 2027 2038 when it's done. Serious note...maybe they'll re-explore some of the thematic elements that were initially intended for "Doom 4." I thought some of the stuff seen in those early videos looked interesting.
  5. Texturing this. Disregard. Other people already have dibs...and I hate texturing. haha
  6. That's what I'm doing with my layout. It is mostly STARTAN shit. But I have slime where I think slime should go, basic lights where I think recessed lighting would be good, and some small tech textures. Just to kind of suggest things to the texture guy. These can be altered per their wishes, but just an idea of where I'm hoping the map goes. Also, lighting is up to the texture guy with input from the architect. As stated in the original post, both parties are free to place suggestions to the other. But in the end, the architect has the absolute final say on architecture and mechanisms of the map, and the texture guy has the absolute final say on the aesthetics.
  7. A couple years ago, my girlfriend encountered my "sleep talking" for the first time and it was due to a Doom dream. See, when I sleep, I often speak very clearly...clear enough that it is sometimes hard to tell whether or not I'm sleeping or awake, so I'm told. Anyway, I dreamed I had made a map and was letting someone playtest it...well, in my sleep, I apparently started to weakly laugh and proceeded to say, "You'd better be careful...this is where they get ya..." She was less than entertained by this at the time. I thought it was funny as hell when she told me about it the next morning. To this day I still wake up to have her tell me the bizarre shit I say in my sleep.
  8. My layout map is coming along. Should be done in a week or so. @1Destro3456, since you were the first one to express interest, want to texture this one?
  9. What a fun idea. Wish I would have seen this sooner. Can't wait to try this out.
  10. The Cacodemon is that friend in the group that nobody hates...but due to their prankster nature, aren't invited to every event. The cacodemon is the clown of the group, always fucking with everyone for their own amusement and laughing at their own jokes.
  11. The new thread. Working on a map now if anybody would be interested in skinning it.
  12. @1Destro3456 (Reposted due to confusion about parameters and a misleading title, sorry if this is a no-no) Hello and welcome! Currently doing some mapping and had an idea for a project that I'd like to welcome fellow mappers to participate in. The idea came to me while working on a very large map when I remembered how much I absolutely hate the skinning process of map making. I love creating the architecture and the general mechanics of maps (traps, teleports, monster placement, etc.), but texturing is just a pain in the ass for me. Certainly, there must be people out there that feel the opposite; where they love texturing but hate doing the actual map making. Well, what if we all put our heads together to create a masterpiece? In short, I would love to create a small mapset (eight to ten maps) that capture the spirit of teamwork. With teams of two, one member creates the map and the other member does the texturing. Of course, teams can bounce ideas off of each other. For example, the texture member can make architectural suggestions to the architect and the architect can make texture suggestions to the "painter." If you're interested, post screenshots of a "blank canvas map" here and see if anybody wants to do texture work. Some guidelines: 1. GZDoom, cc4tex.wad texture pack, UDMF format. TL;DR If you're a lazy mapper that only wants to do half of the work but receive full credit, you might like this. Either do textures or the architecture. Teams: 1. Fort Escapades (Layout) / 1Destro3456 (Texturing) 2. Worriedidiot (Layout) / TEXTURIZER NEEDED
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