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  1. I don't go for 100% anything, because to me spending an hour looking for secrets and stragglers isn't fun, even on replay. Though I try to kill all the monsters that I do find, which means that in more linear maps, I often end up with 100% kills. And I do challenge myself by trying to keep saves to a minimum. Save-scumming and running past all the monsters to get to the exit feels like I accomplished nothing.
  2. If we're including SIGIL now, I'm going to include Freedoom just for the hell of it. Hydroelectric Plant (Freedoom: Phase 2): I have this ranked first because it's the best at being a first level. Beautiful texturing, nice linear path to the exit, some low-stakes fights to teach players how to shoot, and lots of optional content to reward replays. I want people to be introduced to Doom with this level. Outer Prison (Freedoom: Phase 1 E1): It's a bit clunky, a huge part of the level is entirely optional (and was annoying to find when it was mandatory). But it's got about the ideal difficulty level and some beautiful details. It's not a bad first impression to the entirety of Doom. Baphomet's Demesne (Sigil): This honestly feels as iconic to me as the first maps of E1 and E2, largely thanks to its MIDI and its stark red coloring. I don't mind the platforming at all, and the meanness of the combat made it fun. Congo (The Plutonia Experiment): Doesn't really try to be an introduction to Doom, but it is a very good introduction to the strategic nature of Plutonia's combat. Elemental Gate (Freedoom: Phase 1 E2): One of those rare levels that actually feels like you're advancing toward a goal - opening and entering the gateway to the ruins. And it's got some pretty fun shootouts along the way. Phobos Anomaly (Doom E2): As iconic as Hangar and a lot more fun, great combat and secrets. Maintenance Area (Freedoom: Phase 1 E4): It's a fun level, but being as big and complex as it is, doesn't really feel like the opener of an IWAD episode. Probably because it isn't, it's the opener to the PWAD Double Impact. Hell Beneath (Ultimate Doom E4): Really challenging level, but it's satisfying to beat, and teaches you to manage space more strategically throughout the rest of the episode. Land of the Lost (Freedoom: Phase 1 E3): It's a Tyson map for the most part, if you don't like melee in Doom (and I don't) you won't like this level. It's probably really fun if you're good at punching things, though. The Earth Base (No Rest for the Living): For a first level it's really sprawling and drags on for a long time. I last played NRFTL a couple years ago, so I barely remember it except for being beige and long, and maybe having some challenging combat here and there. Cursed Darkness (Sigil 2): I barely beat this level and didn't really enjoy the process of doing so. It's all the more annoying aspects of SIGIL turned up to eleven without the parts that make it fun. Attack (Master Levels): Simplistic and boring, very little to say about it. Hangar (Doom E1): Iconic as it was most people's first level in the most advanced FPS of its time, but it has very little replay value beyond learning how to play the game and finding two or three very easy and unsatisfying secrets. Entryway (Doom 2): Copy and paste everything I said about Hangar, except it's even more linear and looks less interesting. I will defend D_RUNNIN though. It's a pretty good track. Hell Keep (Doom E3): I agree with this as a consensus least favorite. Annoyingly ammo-starved, confusing layout, doesn't look all that good.
  3. the Internet Archive's emulator is usually slow to load, so it might just take a little while longer, or maybe your browser / computer doesn't support it you could always look through their flash archive or Flashpoint's but without a name it might be difficult
  4. I distinctly remember a Flash clone of Gradius where you play as Mario with a cape - might have been called Marius. It was a horizontal shmup though, and I wasn't able to find it on the Internet Archive (might be in Flashpoint.) While searching for it I did find this gem though: https://archive.org/details/flash_Mario_Combat
  5. The Doom community made my love of composing music feel worthwhile, because people outside of random folks I showed my compositions to actually cared about what I was making. The Ultimate MIDI Pack, and to a lesser extent the Double Impact MIDI Pack, have been some of the most fulfilling projects I ever worked on.
  6. looking at the website, seems it last had development activity 5 months ago, so if it's unmaintained it hasn't been for long
  7. just based on what I could get working on a Raspberry Pi: Emulators for any handhelds released before 2005, and any consoles released before 1995, should run with no issues whatsoever. And since CyberosLeopard recommended some free open-source games, I'll throw in Kobo Deluxe, SuperTux, Battle for Wesnoth, Pingus, and of course, Doom!
  8. I found Freedoom, Doom Shareware, and a bunch of source ports when randomly browsing the Debian GNU/Linux software repository sometime around 2016. I beat episode 1, then pirated most of the games for the engine, struggled with the rest of them, and shelved it for a while. I think it was watching decino and MtPain27 that pushed me to return to it a couple years later, and actually beat Freedoom and all the official IWADs. Then I discovered this forum, found it was surprisingly active and welcoming to newcomers, and started sharing my music here.
  9. For me it would be: Unavailable for Debian Linux without compiling from source or resorting to a Flatpak or Proton. Lag on high-detail levels that would work fine on other ports. I like playing high-detail levels, so I avoid ports like Doomsday where they become slideshows. I have to be able to configure my preferred control scheme (wasd, space to activate, m1 to fire, no vertical mouse movement or mouselook), and if the relevant configuration is unintuitive I might just give up. No ability to choose a MIDI soundfont without altering the system-wide configuration. (I need my SC-55 Soundfont!) I'm not super picky, and have dabbled in most major source ports at some point in time. Though I prefer maps with limit-removing compatibility most of the time, and a simple configuration menu, those are not dealbreakers for me.
  10. I have a habit of previewing megaWADs by idclev-ing to each level and running around a bit before I reach them naturally. Spoilers don't matter much to me.
  11. https://intellitronicbubble.bandcamp.com/album/autumn-sun-ep Surprisingly good electro EP.
  12. Reports say that I am to continue to be.
  13. If this fight were a poetry contest or rap battle, I'd have some difficulty, but they don't seem that threatening. 2/10
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