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About evil_scientist

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  1. I like this little explanation. This was a pretty fun map, well done, and welcome to the community!!! Some particular things I liked: - Good short fun map! - The "theme" of circle-shaped things. Little round pools of water, lava, etc., good visual marker. - The secret trigger, it's marked, but not blatantly obvious. - The teleporting lost souls. Minor criticism/recommendations/things to consider: - The indoor areas felt a bit cramped, ultimately it didn't hinder playability, but perhaps on later maps you can experiment with corridor width. - Introduce more verticality. This is not a big issue in this map, because there is variety in the types of places, and the teleport separates everything too. But most of the rooms are on the same level. In the intro area, there are some ramps and elevated places, but mostly for monster nests, not places the player can get to. Verticality can also help to SHOW the player where they might go later. - The blue skull is too easy to grab, while avoiding a lot of monsters. Keep em coming! :D
  2. Hmmmmm I came up with a backstory for this map! A bunch of demonic packaging materials from outer space crashed into planet Earth and left... a crate-er.
  3. Yaayyy! Thanks for the playthrough, Clippy, and with @Biodegradable to boot - I love the commentary you guys give! Lol, that was indeed a delightful stupid moment! :D
  4. I have a list of things I see in Doom maps, I posted it here, maybe you can pick a couple at random when you are stuck! Random generator: https://perchance.org/nh0e88dwwb
  5. This might be useful for beginners or mappers who sometimes get stuck. I tried to list a bunch of things you might find in an area of a Doom map, put them all in a random generator: HERE IT IS! Current list (contributions by evil_scientist, Walter confetti): If you have more ideas, feel free to post them, and I'll add them to the list and generator.
  6. It's good to have at least a vague theme or inspiration. Do you have a favorite movie? Turn it into a Doom map! It doesn't have to be a 100% copy... just use the movie as the source of inspiration. Watching Alien? Make a demon-infested spaceship. Watching Indiana Jones? Make a canyon with a temple ruin. Or turn to random inspiration. For example, use the Doom random map title generator. "Claimed Citadel"? That could be a hellish castle map. "Satan's Mansion"? Maybe starts out as a realistic mansion, but turns into a hell map. "Cosmic Massacre"? Slaughter map on an asteroid. And so on. These are not strict limitations, just starting points.
  7. Thanks for playing :D I love your mod - the Berserk pack is intense!!! I wasn't aware of that project until people pointed it out to me :'(
  8. Thanks for the detailed review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get what you say re: difficulty spike, that's a good point. I'll keep this in mind on future maps. Hehe, I'm proud of my little crushy crates :D
  9. Thanks for playing! One issue I've found from all these playthroughs is that a certain monster doesn't really come out from his room... I might fix that, but it also makes sense, because that is a super cozy room I made for them. Oh I meant just make a map and release it individually. As a "b-side" to the competition. If you find the concept of a project inspiring, I think it's good to follow up on that inspiration on your own schedule.
  10. Thanks for the feedback! Harsh criticism, but fair (most of it). Good points about key sequences and door placement, and about the overall challenge level. I disagree about the secret switch thing - as you or your mate say in the video, it's there "so you pay attention to your surroundings" ;) What's "rewarding exploration" to me is "I got lost" to others. I'll keep this in mind when working on open layout maps. Oh and I laughed out loud when you said "it's like Jedi Knight... but the bad parts", that's a throwback to my childhood.
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