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About krausun

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  1. zdoom in hexen format i prefer to play it with zdoom with no freelook no crouch, no jump has no goal point yet, but has keys, and doors. more than half the map is unfinished lol bloodwood_bog0.1.rar
  2. i come back now again and try to work on this map, not sure if its going to be any good. looking for some tips. I can maybe post the .wad if anyone wants to look at it. I have an idea, not sure if i am gunna be able to pull it off the way i have in my head.
  3. I am working on a new map, but I added a new video of the map being player in VR with the meatgrinder mod, which honestly made things a bit tooeasy with the autoshotty lol
  4. Nice, I'll be sure to have a contribution later in the year.
  5. That door at the end isn't suppose to close again at all. Woops. Glad u made it through tho, good run.
  6. OH wow, wasn't expecting anyone to actually make a video of my map, that's great! I have edited the first post to include my own game play video, and i have uploaded a new version of the map which includes the texture fixes voxel made, custom music track, and I lowered the amount of archviles in that last room from 5 to 3. Also there is infact 1 secret in this map, but i forgot to tag it as a secret on the original version, this is fixed now. I realize the bfg is kinda in a bad spot, my original idea was you could lure the archviles out, then circle back to get the bfg later. Didn't work out.
  7. Thanks a bunch Voxel, and everyone else! Happy to hear you had been able to complete the map. I also hate the door with the 5 extra archviles, but i just didnt have the heart to remove them from existence. I am able to clear the whole map, with exception of that room with out saves on UV. I will take your advice inkoala, and start using UDB before starting my next map. I had both installed, but wasn't sure what the difference was at first.
  8. Hello all, this is my first map ever in doom. I have only play tested this map with GZ DOOM. This is for Doom 2, and replaces MAP01 This is a very small arena, but it is difficult map to beat. It is based on my own workplace, which is a shipping facility. Just so it's known, I did in fact beat it on Ultra Violence, even though i save scummed alot, so this map is at least possible to win lol. Comments and criticisms welcome, and if any new mappers are looking for some one to play test their map send me a message, maybe we can learn something together. eggplant2.rar eggplant2fix.rar
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