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Cosmos Of Kings

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About Cosmos Of Kings

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  1. There are some things I recently found out in Doom Eternal that I should've known sooner: You can quick-swap weapons. Super Shotgun + Ballista is a powerful combination against the Marauder. The Mancubus is best fought from a distance, its close-range attack is deadly. (On Ultra Violence difficulty) The Heavy Cannon's micro missiles might be stronger and faster to use than the chaingun.
  2. If you want a better cooked surface: cook the pizza on a stove (high heat) until the bottom is brown, and then throw it into the oven at a high temperature, close to the heat coils. You'll end up with a pizza that closely matches an authentic one. If you're interested in Neapolitan pizzas, this is a good recipe video:
  3. The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith was a fun read, although I only read it because of its relevance to my studies. In general, I've only been interested in philosophers' works who were positively significant to particular scientific disciplines (Physics, Math, Economics).
  4. I really hope more games transition from standard health bars towards visible damage indicators, like Eternal. Seeing your enemies physically degrade is so much more immersive and significantly less distracting than tracking a large red bar over their heads. Resident Evil 2 Remake uses body degradation as well and it's great, while Assassin's Creed Valhalla doesn't and it's one the big reasons why I skipped right over it.
  5. Yep, Youtube gives the uploader four options for comment control: Disable comments, hold all comments for review, hold potentially inappropriate comments for review, or allow all comments.
  6. I wouldn't recommend watching movie trailers, they often sabotage the film's image. Try looking for movies that fit your current interests; I found IMDb helpful for finding films related to the ones I've watched.
  7. Waldo The Cat poses while a hell-bent plasma rifle loses it in the back.
  8. I would say it's more of a general Doom thing. All the games cater to particular preferences and so it's easy for one aspect to click in perfectly while another falls apart. Now what I love about Eternal is the fair and balanced combat. In the main campaign, I rarely felt like I was being cheated by the game. My mistakes were caused by my decisions, not by the game. I also love fighting the Whiplash, it's the perfect enemy for me.
  9. My only suggestion then would be to head to Bethesda Support: https://help.bethesda.net/
  10. I didn't know Toyota Motor Corporation was involved with Doom. ;) Now, I would add that the level's design makes a big impact on making the combat encounters fun. Stuffing lots of weak enemies in a small room changes the pace but isn't fun when done a lot, like much of the Super Gore Nest Master Level. Whereas placing a few but tough enemies in a multi-level space is good fun. Bouncing about in an arena with a Baron and Demon Hunter is more engaging than having to mow a linear Imp garden.
  11. How about more Master Levels that are similar to the Arc Complex one. After playing it, I prefer it over the standard level as that now feels too empty and easy. I just hope they don't follow the Super Gore Nest Master Level design though, the enemy placement is insane and the fog/buff totems aren't fun.
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