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About DoomGuy2077

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    mancubus vore survivor
    Green Marine

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  1. You and me, bud. I just had to block my mom's phone number and all socials because she wouldn't stop calling me a drug addict. The hardest drug I use is nicotine. She wakes up every day and smokes weed until she can't form sentences.
  2. I was rudely interrupted by a power outage before I got a chance to finish the map but I like it so far. I got to the obligatory fountain square full of imps in need of a rocketing at least.
  3. I don't think I've ever been so eager to play a .wad after only seeing a couple of screenshots.
  4. Oh, weird. I was just scrolling through my .wad folder thinking "I should finish Interception 2." Then I started looking for new maps to play an ended up here. I guess it's a sign.
  5. I got a concussion a few weeks back and one of the consequences of that was that I had to stop playing video games during my recovery. Up until last week I would get a panic attack trying to play KDitD. I'm well enough now and I've missed weeks worth of maps and WADs that I would have played had I not given myself semi-permanent brain damage. What have I missed around doomworld? Is there anything that's been released that I shouldn't miss?
  6. I assume freelook is allowed, but what aboutt jumping and/or crouching?
  7. I'm sure somebody has already made the joke but while we're on the topic of Pink Floyd-themed community projects, when are we going to get the "Careful with that gun, Marine"?
  8. Good to hear because I dig the screens and I'd love to play the maps.
  9. Maybe I'm cranky because just got over the flu and I've had a headache for days but those invisible walls in map03 irked me like none other. Not to say it's a bad map. They're all top-notch. But, man, invisible walls... ...I'm glad I have a backup keyboard, just in case. Probably just a "me thing," though.
  10. I've been trying to play Doom on the Steam Deck without subjecting myself to the Bethesda port. I got gzdoom running in desktop mode and I can play Doom, Doom 2 and Freedoom just fine but I can't figure out how to play PWADs.
  11. Okay, noob question but how do you load OTEX alongside a WAD, PK3, etc in GZDoom? I have the latest version of GZD (4.11.3a) and downloaded the non-UDB pk3 version from your link. I tried drag/dropping the map and OTEX pk3s on the GZ exe, inside a folder and out. I tried zipping both pk3s and drag/dropping. I tried adding the OTEX zip to the GZ directory and I also tried adding only the OTEX pk3. Edit: I also copy/pasted the contents of the OTEX zip into your map folder. I'm probably forgetting a few things but I tried everything I could think of until I gave up out of frustration. I only managed to load DOOM2.WAD or your map with the OTEX textures missing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Edit 2: No such luck with Doom Explorer or ZDL
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