My example is Super Pierrot from Rainbow Islands Extra on the Genesis/Mega Drive (a different genre of game, but hear me out). In RI, you take one hit (ala Action Doom), and you die. Enemies and Bosses are designed around this, giving you room to maneuver through the vertically-scrolling playing field. Your main attack is shooting rainbows on a horizontal plane at a limited range. These rainbows stay on the screen, giving you the opportunity to walk on them and get to higher ground. What's more, you can jump on them and make 'em fall on enemies below. This breeds a specific type of gameplay, where you have to balance "I need to get to the top" and "I need to not die".
Enter Super Pierrot. (This guy's good at the game)
He takes up a large amount of space, so mobility's down. He also bounces around the room faster than Jimmy Savile running to the children's hospital, so good luck following that. When the fight starts, he summons 4 Pierrots (the smaller versions of him)that respawn once you kill them, so you're kinda fucked. You want to avoid the Pierrots, but SP blindsides you. You fire away at SP, but a Pierrot comes the fuck outta nowhere and claps your ass before it can even say "Nothing personnel, kid". You try to avoid both, but then you can't rainbow his clown ass and you get cornered. Also, when you spawn, your attack is one rainbow long, and you'r slow as shit out a sloth's ass. I fucking hate this boss and I want to put him into a woodchipper.
or maybe im butthurt romflao