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Everything posted by Bri

  1. Thanks! I like working with vanilla textures sometimes. It's very restrictive but I think that's what makes it fun.
  2. I'm gonna play this a bit later. It looks incredible!
  3. I love these kind of maps. Just classic and good. No nonsense. Loved every bit of it and I wanted to play more.
  4. Bri

    Popular port?

    Bah! Don't let peoples preferences influence your own. Map for GZDoom if you want.
  5. Re-uploaded due to demand (oddly) and for prosperity. Comes with various fixes for software mode, some QOL fixes and streamlines some levels (got rid of unnecessary switches for instance). It's still not as technically proficient as my later work but I played through it and it's still fun. Cheers! Download: Vow of Vengeance RC5
  6. Wow, thanks! Much appreciated. I was flirting with the idea of a tyson map for 08, but this set is meant to be on the easier side so I ditched the idea. It is something I'd probably like to actually try in the future though. And yeah, visually it is meant to hearken back to vanilla more than modern, although the later levels somewhat break that. But doing high detailed stuff really can drain your energy, so it was just fun for me to build simplified-looking maps without too much pressure. Also, thanks for finding those errors.
  7. Oops! I'll sort that out once I get around to it. Cheers!
  8. @John Rain Wow, thanks man! I'm extremely flattered. I've also reuploaded the file but with a clean version that doesn't have most custom sprites and sounds, since not everyone likes them and it's good to have the option.
  9. Hi, I've updated the wad to RC3. New maps! Check the OP for download. Thanks!
  10. Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've made fixes for most things, including going back in map02, for the next version. I do agree the little slaughter part at the end of map06 feels a bit out of place. I may tone it down a bit, especially since I'm adding more maps, so it would aid the incline in difficulty better rather than having a sudden spike.
  11. Thanks! I'm re-working that end fight in map06. I originally put the bfg there as a bonus for anyone that might need it, but in practice it doesn't really pan out. I'm always appreciative for feedback when it comes to things like this.
  12. Thanks! I enjoyed making these maps so I might expand this wad down the line. Stick around!
  13. I usually just picture more maps and right down the names so I don't forget. I get to a point though where I can't make anymore at the time.
  14. I've uploaded RC2 which mainly fixes HNTR and a few odds and ends. Check the original post for the download. Cheers! You're very welcome and thanks again. The pinkies are mainly restricted there to prevent players rushing the exit. But I'm thinking that whole end fight needs some adjustment which I might work on for later.
  15. Thank you, both. I'll sort these out.
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