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Everything posted by Bri

  1. Man, what a trip! I didn't expect any of this. I like how you notice odd little things changing as you're playing, and it kinda makes you double take for a second, then you go off down the rabbit hole.... This is in a whole league of its own. Really great stuff!
  2. Bri

    Dehacked skies?

    I forgot to mention I'm using straight Doom 2 format. :P
  3. I've been testing on Crispy doom lately. Unfortunately it can't read any MAPINFO that I'm aware of, so I'm wondering if it's possible to display the right skies in my levels via dehacked?
  4. The problems with new games are more to do with the industry/business side of things. Developers have as much passion, skill and artistry as ever.
  5. I've run into this issue a few times myself. It seems completely random. I could never properly find a solution, as when I tried to adjust linedefs or geometry it would usually pop back up out of nowhere. The only way I fixed it was deleting the problem areas and rebuilding something in its place. It's a pain. I really love this mapset, by the way. Love the little details.
  6. MAP10.wad Title: Offslaught Author: Bri Build time: 1 week I remembered the layout of the outside areas of this map pretty well. I'm fairly familiar with this map for the most part, to the point where I was adjusting vertices and room dimensions 'till they felt right like I remembered, although they are still a little bit off and some textures are wrong (I thought it had a vine aesthetic, but I guess I was wrong :P). Other areas, like the tunnel section, I was a bit hazy on. Progression is the same as original but some pickups and monsters are probably different. All-in-all, this was a fun project and I gained more appreciation for the original Plutonia map after trying to remember it.
  7. Yeah, I think it adds an other-worldly dimension to it, which is cool. I like to think that it's like a library with knowledge from all around and outside the universe; and it's all out of our reach.
  8. I've always enjoyed levels that intertwine or loop around on itself, reusing space, backtracking in interesting ways, etc. It's great for making an otherwise linear level feel more open and non-linear.
  9. I dunno if I've really improved; I'm honestly never 100% happy with most stuff I do. But I think I definitely have improved with the technical aspects, especially with Boom format. There was a lot of stuff I wasn't even aware of in Boom until late last year. Funnily enough, however, I've gone back to standard Doom 2 format lately, which in a strange way is a lot more fun. But apart from that, I want to try improve with combat, although it can be hard to break your own style when it comes to that. And I also want to not be too eager to release stuff before properly testing - I sometimes can't help it and want to share my work asap. :S
  10. Hey, that sounds like fun to me. :P
  11. Thanks! That means a lot to me.
  12. These are fantastic! Hydrosphere isn't getting more updates so it's safe to do that one if you want. Cheers!
  13. Meh. I remember spinning in my chair waiting for my dial-up to load hotmail. Forums which were pissing contests and everyone was obsessed with their post count. Buying games and installing it with cd's, which was long hard work. 100/200+ pings. The advent of Steam. Flash games. Badger badger badger. Limewire. Dark times. :P
  14. Thanks for playing it. However, this wad was sort of a learning experience for me (in more ways than one), so I probably won't finish it at this time. I think there's fun to be had in this wad, but I essentially dived into the doom tools before properly learning to swim, so a lot of technical aspects and some gameplay is really really bad. It's the reason it never went to id games, too - I just wasn't happy with it. Despite all that I still tried to update it but I feel like I need to move on and apply what I've learnt to new projects rather than patch old mistakes. But you never know, I might be able to salvage and rework some levels for other projects, I guess. I'm still fond of a couple of the maps and could see them being polished up in future.
  15. Revenants packed into closets. And slime trails. :P
  16. This has now been added to idgames. Download in the original post. Cheers!
  17. Thanks @knifeworld for finding those. I'll fix them soon. I also added the s after http in the link. Stupid of me that I missed that. :/ Thanks @boom_compatible!
  18. I apologize for the download. Never had this trouble with dropbox before. Hopefully it doesn't take too long to get on idgames and it won't be an issue. But yeah, like FEDEX said, right-clicking and "save target/link as" seems to work. Cheers!
  19. A great year. Much to my misfortune, I still haven't had time to play everything, but a big congrats to everyone! Doom is the greatest game of all time!
  20. I did this too. I've gotten better with most things, although I still have to remind myself to just hit c to deselect everything rather than repeatedly clicking off the map, and silly things like that. I'm an idiot. :P
  21. I uploaded a new version (RC4.1) which fixes those errors. I hope this is the last update!
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