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Everything posted by Bri

  1. I loved this. Great atmosphere and really engaging. I like how it feels new but also has sections which are still recognizable. It's exceptionally well-built.
  2. I'm not a game-design expert and I don't think inescapable pits are bad. Cheers!
  3. I've updated the wad to RC4. Details can be found in the original post along with the download. There's a heap of not-so-obvious fixes and whatnot, but mainly it sorts out the ZMAPINFO specialaction command for co-op (I forgot to add a speed parameter :P). And also the most notable change is MAP04's ending fight, which I altered just to make it a bit more interesting. Hopefully this is the final update unless I've stupidly overlooked something again. :P Thanks to everyone who left comments and found problems with the set.
  4. Really glad you both enjoyed it. Thankyou. Hey, thanks so much for the video, clippy.
  5. Thanks for trying it out. I'll need to find an answer for why the bars did that - not sure if that's to do with zandronum or not. If I can't fix it I may need to change it to something else.
  6. I've further updated the wad to RC3. Mostly fixing/sorting out some issues with MAP 06 (The Dam). Details are in the original post. Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to play this; it means a lot to me. Thanks!
  7. I hate doing this, but I need to give up my spot, I'm sorry. I have a lot of work on my plate at the moment (real life and creatively) and I don't think I'll make the deadline. I also hope Thelokk is ok. Hopefully it's nothing bad, but hang in there. :)
  8. This is cool. I really need to get into Hexen mapping at some stage. I'm always reminded how much I love Hexen when I play something for it.
  9. Haha, don't know how I overlooked that. Thanks so much for the heads up. I've fixed it and included it in RC2.
  10. Thankyou. Yeah, I've always loved those maps where you mow down heaps of fodder like in AV. A lot of maps in TNT do it, too, which I love. I kinda wanted to let loose and do stuff like that in this set. Wow, thanks man. I didn't take this wad too seriously and I think it turned out the better for it. I look forward to your video - I always enjoy watching them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've updated the wad to RC2. Original post has been updated with the new download and details.
  11. Thankyou, Alaux. Much appreciated. I did forget to test in software mode (I always bloody do, haha), so I'll work on fixing those things. At the moment, though, I'll say that the GL renderer is the preferred display until I can sort out software mode. Sorry for the trouble with that, guys. The HOM's are easy to fix but I may need to go searching for more tree/bush sprites - ones which I won't need to manipulate through the floor. Really glad you both liked it. Thankyou. I hope you enjoy it. :)
  12. '94 I think. Considering I played NES and some Commodore 64 before that, Doom was a pretty huge leap in immersion at the time.
  13. '94 I think. Considering I played NES and some Commodore 64 before that, Doom was a pretty huge leap in immersion at the time.
  14. Thanks. I'll definitely work on the finale a bit more. I initially thought it could be better myself, but I was also thinking to not let the level go on too long. But I can definitely fix it. I haven't dabbled with Eternity engine, so I'm not sure about those errors yet. This might be a good time to check it out though.
  15. Thankyou. I will probably change the font for the intermission screens since it looks a bit blurry. Thanks a lot Astro
  16. Hello, This was something I was messing with on the side for fun and it kinda just blew up into its own thing. It contains 6 very short maps that follow a theme inside a Hydroelectric plant. Gameplay is fairly easy and mostly consists of a power trip style. As of December 2022 I have released a final version which generally polishes everything. Textures used are from Jimmytex.wad by Jimmy with some odds and ends taken from 32in24-15_tex_v2.wad. Also featured are some great midi tunes by Dragonfly. Check out his music here: https://www.dfdoom.com/midi-music/ Wad details: Iwad: Doom 2 Number of maps: 6 (MAP01-06) Format: Boom (-complevel 9) Tested on: DSDA 0.21.3, GZDoom 4.7.0 Version: RC4.1 (final) Gameplay: Type: Single Player, vanilla style. Jump: No Crouch: No Free Look: Optional Difficulty Levels: Yes Download: Hydrosphere on idgames Changelog:
  17. I'll work on this and my future wads. Thanks buddy! And thankyou @Deviatrix
  18. I can see potential for it, but it needs to be toned down and tuned to work with Doom's visuals rather than be saturated on top of it.
  19. I started mapping around 2004-ish with AvP2, Half Life 2, Quake 3, etc. Doom's always been my favourite game, though, but I never mapped for it 'till now. However, I think Doom's been my favourite to map for - I actually really love the challenge of the restricted technical capabilities and making it look high detailed and "modern."
  20. Thanks buddy! Here's hoping it plays as good, haha!
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