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Everything posted by Bri

  1. Damn, this is really good! I'm glad to see you branch out to more adventurous stuff. This music is very inspiring and makes me want to try my hand at making more adventurous style maps in the future. I am, however, currently using music from your last album in a project, so I really hope to god I don't let you down with that, haha!
  2. This map seemed intuitive to play through, it had good flow. I like the tight level design and the monsters which were used effectively. You say it's "average," but I found it utterly engaging and enjoyable right the way through. Just because it doesn't reinvent the wheel doesn't make it average. ;) Really good work! I'd love to see more!
  3. Thanks! But I haven't released a wad yet; it was something I was sorta just messing with on the side. I'm sure I'll release it at some point though.
  4. It was massively exciting at the time. Reactions probably were somewhere in the middle, though. I remember hating the weak-ass shotgun! And the way your screen violently jerks around when you get hit was annoying... But really, it was a good game, just divisive is all. Its sci-fi visuals and atmosphere were great; and the slowed down gameplay suited it well. It tries to be scary, although it was always a bit too cheesy to pull it off properly, but it was thoroughly entertaining.
  5. I love them all, but I think Lost Souls are a nuisance unless they have reduced health.
  6. Thanks! It's a really fun pack to work with.
  7. I always thought it was inspired by the Alien franchise. There's even a level called "Alien Resurrection ."
  8. I was very impressed with these maps. Although the technical aspects need improving (which will happen with time), the gameplay is actually really good. Even above par in some instances. You place monsters very well and the progression is nice. MAP02 is a lot better than MAP01, but I still did like the playground style that MAP01 had going on and how you need to figure it out to get through. MAP02 is REALLY good. I really enjoyed this! Great lighting, good details and good flow. I especially like how you go down into the green nukage and it loops around to the blue key. And the nicely placed rocket secret with 4 rockets - perfect for the Archvile which later comes out. Just remember to clearly mark lifts and doors, as I did have to wall hump at some sections. But all-in-all, really fun solid gameplay. Keep mapping and keep improving. Learn all you can. Because you have a lot of talent and I'd like to see a lot more stuff from you.
  9. A Revenant stuck in a pain state getting shot by chaingunners.
  10. I think it was scary when the game had just come out. But I think the thing that made Doom scary back in 1993 was hearing the monsters in the level. It could be really unnerving at times. I remember a lot of reviews at the time pointing out the scary sounds, too.
  11. I like around 12 maps with a play time of a couple of hours. I'm not opposed to playing full 32 map wads, though, but I usually do that in doses.
  12. Thanks a lot, @Snark! Yeah, Otex is a bit ubiquitous these days. But it's such a great texture pack; it's hard to pass it up.
  13. True, I was holding back a bit. I thought MAP06 would give people a bit more trouble though. But I'm glad you liked it!
  14. I agree with respectfully speaking your mind, but I think there needs to be always some objectivity. For instance, if you're playing a Plutonia-like map but don't like Plutonia maps, you need to look at it objectively as possible. Subjective opinions need to be kept in check as they can sometimes taint what is otherwise a good map.
  15. Appreciate the feedback. Thanks a lot, @Murdoch! I was initially afraid of going too hard with HMP, so I was trying to restrain myself a lot, but it may have come out too easy. Although, in some other areas (like MAP01's final fight) it's probably a bit too much too soon. But I can definitely tinker and readjust these things. MAP02: I think I can make the red key switch have clearer markings, or even its own podium so it stands out more. And I can definitely rework the final fight a bit to put more pressure on (again, I was initially afraid of going too hard with this). MAP04: I can definitely change those key bars. I thought it didn't suit the theme as well, but I guess I wanted it to stand out for the player. But I can sort something out for that.
  16. That's terrific work, Scorpio! Enjoyed it immensely.
  17. 5-10 minute maps with 100-200 monsters is the sweet spot for me. There's a lot of variables involved of course, but as long as the map keeps the action going and has degrees of tension involved, then it's all good fun.
  18. Thankyou so much, @K_krimson painkekk! Really glad you enjoyed it. And no, I'm not opposed to modding at all, even though I usually only play vanilla myself. Your video was really fun to watch.
  19. I agree about the Cyberdemons. There are too many. But it's incidental and probably expected in a CP of this type. I wouldn't be opposed to thinning out the number of them, however. The other stuff seems more like a clash of differing playstyles and personal taste rather than objectivity.
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