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About Metal_Slayer

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  1. It originally existed for optimisation so the CPU doesn't need to check for height of each entity. But as a mechanic it's used to force the player to kill the enemies before being able to advance.
  2. Doom isn't the edgy game you think it is. Also, if the next game isn't titled "The Dark Ages" or ends up being a terrible entry your name is going to age quite badly.
  3. So you have created an account and made this post just to say you are making a WAD, but you aren't creating any maps and is looking for someone to do that to you, sure. Now that's just bad taste, this WAD is nothing more than an unfortunate curiosity and isn't relevant to the community. You probably are a teenager and just watched a video from Midnight to have this idea, this forum isn't for kids.
  4. Honestly I wouldn't have a problem with never getting a new official Doom game if it meant that NuDoom fans would live in agony until they decide to leave the fanbase for lack of content.
  5. Because Doom games are good, and you can't make good games every year. To be crying for a videogame that doesn't exist isn't healthy, perhaps you should go see a doctor. Seriously though, there are franchises with almost 20 years gaps between games, and I have had no problem waiting for them, in fact, I even forget about it because I have other games to play, and if you go look for fan made Doom content you'll never run out of games.
  6. There are a lot of Doom 4 assets that can now be used in SnapMap, if it was a PC exclusive map it could even use custom assets. But for a GZDoom "demake" you would probably need a lot more people to help you, there are a few textures and assets that could probably fit the theme in the Mods & Resources subforum, in fact, you should probably ask a moderator to move this topic there, because most users never even click in the 2016 subforum.
  7. Yes, but a lot of it is just cutscenes, not gameplay, some of it is from when the game had already dropped the idea of Doom 3 sequel on Earth, and there's a recent mockup made by an ex-employee that is looking for a new job, you can even notice that he uses footage and assets from the current game. This isn't like Duke Nukem Forever where the foundation for the game is already built and they just have to fill the blanks, you would need to build the game from scratch and it would be even harder on an engine like GZDoom, a fully 3D mod would require too much optimization and a WAD with sprites would require a lot of brand new art.
  8. I don't know if that's a good idea, the only single player footage we have is from the protagonist fighting some kind of Prowler in the sewers, everything else seems to either be multiplayer or a cutscene, and the concept art that leaked doesn't seem to help. And it doesn't look like it would be easy to replicate the artstyle in GZDoom, you would probably need to make pixel art based om those characters. The only mod I can think of that would be similar to this concept would Wolfenstein: BoA, you have an almost realistic scenario and a HQ where you have interactions with NPCs between missions, still, I think most people don't care about the plot too much and skip all the cutscenes. Maybe you could do it, but I don't think a lot of people would want to help considering this is very different from the kind of mods they like.
  9. I think the level ends and you go to the next one.
  10. It also uses these "funny" terms like "rip and tear" in explanation paragraphs. While Doom Wiki follows every single official Wikipedia rule, it seems like Fandom articles are either copied from somewhere else or written by teenagers.
  11. These are good combinations but I think you can't go much beyond that in Vanilla, in limit removing ports you could add higher quality sound samples and frames of animation. But things like echoing sounds and colored lighting only are supported by a few engines.
  12. New members should be restricted to only reacting and replying to posts for a week before they are allowed to make new topics.
  13. It seems like it either was removed in a patch or it's in an earlier version of the game, which is weird considering that all the other unused content is still there.
  14. I wonder why so many people create accounts here just to spam on the Everything Else subforum.
  15. I sure remember seeing all unused weapons and props in that hacked Snapmap map, it also has the folders and location of each file in the description of each model. The code should be A8PARLP6.
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