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About Narien

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  1. Plutonia 3 MAP01 UV Max in 49.49 pl301m4949.zip
  2. Plutonia 3 MAP23 UV Max in 4:14.49 pl323m414.zip
  3. Plutonia 3 MAP01 UV Max in 54.86 pl301m54.zip MAP02 UV Max in 57.83 pl302m57.zip MAP03 UV Max in 1:31.09 pl303m131.zip MAP04 UV Max in 1:53.23 pl304m153.zip MAP05 UV Max in 1:51.97 pl305m151.zip MAP06 UV Max in 1:20.51 pl306m120.zip MAP07 UV Max in 1:18.09 pl307m118.zip MAP08 UV Max in 2:09.29 pl308m209.zip MAP09 UV Max in 1:26.66 pl309m126.zip MAP12 UV Max in 1:20.09 pl312m120.zip MAP14 UV Max in 2:31.80 pl314m231.zip MAP15 UV Max in 2:15.89 pl315m215.zip MAP16 UV Max in 1:16.37 pl316m116.zip MAP17 UV Max in 1:57.91 pl317m157.zip MAP18 UV Max in 2:04.63 pl318m204.zip MAP19 UV Max in 1:38.89 pl319m138.zip MAP20 UV Max in 1:13.57 pl320m113.zip MAP21 UV Max in 3:07.06 pl321m307.zip MAP22 UV Max in 1:28.57 pl322m128.zip MAP24 UV Max in 2:02.34 pl324m202.zip MAP25 UV Max in 1:29.74 pl325m129.zip MAP26 UV Max in 2:12.29 pl326m212.zip MAP28 UV Max in 1:15.40 pl328m115.zip MAP29 UV Max in 1:48.23 pl329m148.zip MAP30 UV Max in 2:33.14 pl330m233.zip MAP31 UV Max in 1:16.29 pl331m116.zip MAP32 UV Max in 1:42.06 pl332m142.zip
  4. Plutonia 3 MAP11 UV Max in 39.89 pl311m3989.zip MAP13 UV Max in 1:44.94 pl313m144.zip MAP27 UV Max in 1:47.80 pl327m147.zip
  5. Plutonia 3 MAP10 UV Max in 54.46 pl310m5446.zip
  6. MAP01 UV Max in 5:19.06 hg01m519.zip MAP06 UV Max in 2:32.14 hg06m232.zip
  7. Hell Ground D2All UV Max in 72:57 hgAllm7257.zip
  8. Hell Ground MAP04 UV Max in 13:54.31 hg04-1354.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtPaid555m0
  9. Hell Ground MAP04 UV Max in 14:53.23 hg04-1453.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RLxZNh9Rw0 I started looking at this for demo month but it was obvious it was going to take more time than I had to spend on it. Very happy to knock this off the list.
  10. citymaze E1M2 UV Max in 2:54.03 ctym12-254.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83KCvlHBkBY
  11. davowads E1M6 (mindbend.wad) UV Max in 9:15.06 davo16-915.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWyflAEMPfI
  12. nostromo MAP01 UV Max in 14:12.31 nost01-1412.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FeABf4RgEk
  13. deathrevealed MAP03 UV Max in 9:30.51 dr03-930.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzuicUuJ2mI
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