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wad of doom

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About wad of doom

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  1. I haven't found one yet. Wads fail to meet this criteria for me the moment they start spamming archviles and revenants which seems to be every megawad I've played so far. I'm playing BTSX on UV right now and it's just a cheesefest of archviles and revenants. I actually nerfed them both by reducing archvile's health and increasing pain chance and also removing the seeker from revenant's arsenal, though I increased the projectile speed as an offset. I am a filthy casual player and don't have the spare time to replay entire levels because I got caught in a cheap monster trap after picking up the last key, so I do a lot of quicksaving and replay the hard parts until I get them right.
  2. This is what confuses me. What "hint" is given by the script that actually makes any difference at all? What does this attribute do if removing it doesn't do anything?
  3. When I am running through corridors, I feel like I am drifting in Mario Kart. There's always been that slippery feel to the player movement. Any way to dampen that using decorate or something so that the player doesn't seem to slide around as much and come to more complete stops? Edit: I found nashmove here: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=35761 It turns out that I had this for a few years already, but could never get it to work. I just found out that it only seems to activate when you switch levels. I wasn't expecting it to feel strange, but I guess it is for Doom. It also doesn't seem to do well with online play, but I don't plan on playing online, so I think this will work. Edit: Had to disable it as it's too buggy. Does weird things as you're moving while taking damage. Probably other bugs, too.
  4. Ah, this worked, so my full definition looks like this: actor DumbRevenantTracer : RevenantTracer replaces RevenantTracer { Speed 20 States { Spawn: FATB AB 2 Bright Loop } } Thanks. Any idea why -SEEKERMISSILE didn't work? I thought that was necessary to tell the game to look for the other attributes. Also, I was on zdoom.org here: https://zdoom.org/wiki/Classes:StealthRevenant And saw this: "DECORATE is still supported but no longer used by GZDoom. GZDoom internally uses the ZScript definition above." Is DECORATE still an optimal means to make simple game changes like this or would ZScript be a better option? I want to use whatever I can edit in a text file.
  5. I am trying to entirely disable the revenant seeker missile so that it just fires the regular missile with increased speed. I can't figure out how to get it working. When I use this decorator, I don't get any errors on load, but the missile still seeks. I tested speed using "SPEED X" and it works, so I think I am not just removing the SEEKERMISSILE attribute properly. Any ideas? actor DumbRevenantTracer : RevenantTracer replaces RevenantTracer { -SEEKERMISSILE }
  6. top hue. I didn't even say anything that could be remotely construed as that. I will check out the wad you linked, though.
  7. That could be why indeed. However, the spirit of Halloween is something entirely different. That's the symbolic and festive side of the holiday, the jack-o-lanterns, candy, witches, skeletons, cobwebs, etc. I think a good Halloween mod would be Doom Monster Mash that would feature all the traditional horror icons like Dracula, mummies, Frankenstein's monster, fish guy, wolf man, etc. Add flaming pumpkins as someone mentioned above, bags of candy of varying size for health, and some comically spook music and that would be a fun mod indeed, though ambitious. Okay, so I didn't think about the speedrun community. Maybe my comment doesn't apply to that, but there are still a lot of maps that are just ridiculously hard for the hell of it. I wasn't aware of the speedrun maps, so I just thought those above were your typical hard-just-bcuz maps. I played them for a bit and didn't see anything "speedrunny" about them, though. I guess they're just really hard maps that you're supposed to complete really fast???
  8. I see those types of maps as the Super Mario Maker of Doom maps. They're what happens when Doom modders get bored of the traditional tactical map design and decide to take it up a hundred notches on the difficulty scale just for the sake of it. With these maps, it's a safe bet that they'll be chock-full of cyberdemons and archviles. I'm not knocking your taste if you like them, though. I'm more of a casual Doom player who doesn't fare too well in those types of maps. I prefer the type of atmosphere and challenge you'd find in BTSX which I am currently playing again. Also, that Pumpkin HELL up above was also good, though the music was not.
  9. Torture maps. Not entirely my thing, but definitely Halloweeny.
  10. That was a decent level. Had to turn the music off, though
  11. Dead mancubus looks like chicken dinner
  12. Are there any mods that replace textures, monsters, items, weapons, etc with Halloween-themed sprites and textures? I am talking about thing like giving levels a graveyard or hautend house aesthetic and giving imps pumpkin heads or turning cacodemons into jack-o-lanterns. Anything that puts the spirit Halloween into Doom would be great, but am hoping for more options for Doom 2.
  13. More stereoscopics. I figured out how to make them easier to focus, so these should look better than my last ones.
  14. Thanks, but any help on how to use this? It says to load it into GZDoom, but what file do I load? Edit: I think I got it. I just dl'd as a zip and loaded it with -file switch. I can see it in the options now, though I am trying to figure out how get it working. I seem to be picking up items without needing to press use and I've confirmed that it's enabled. I don't see anything on the HUD or over items when I get close to items. I just walk over them and pick them up like normal. Any ideas? Edit 2: Got it! It looks like I just had to advance the level. Now I can see all the hud options and am able to pick up items with use. Thanks for the help.
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