Thanks everyone for the feedback!
@Alper002 I Agree, the last minute could benefit some shortage, I've doubled everything to give me the space to enrich each riff with more passages or movements, but at the time of posting I hadn't come up with anything. If I won't find a valid way to keep it like this I'll cut some of those parts for sure.
@Jimmy Thanks for the suggestion, Jach is one of the tracks I listen the most! I'll follow your hint and try to focus on that specific part and see what I can come up with. (also solid thumb up for Kinship!)
@Lippeth I'll experiment with the intro as well, also I kind of like the idea of using reverse cymbals, even though it's the kind of touch I'd think about when finishing the project. Same goes for velocity, very little in my midi has been tweaked to that point but I'll make sure to check the harp part as well as the rest of the project. I'm mainly worried about the structure now, however I'll make sure to find some parts to enrich with reverse cymbals and maybe other fxs.
By the way I wasn't able to make any progress this week beause I'm switching position at work so this is going to be a busy and long week (yes, I know it's friday), but hopefully next week I'll be in a better situation at work that allows me to have some time and free mind to work on some midis at home. In the meantime thanks again everyone for the feedback!