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Doom Guncaster K

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About Doom Guncaster K

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  1. 6K+ kills is such madness! The first arena where the long hallway is an impressive spot though! The last arena fight where the blue skull key might be the most difficult one since it seems a bit RNG-ish from my view. Anyway, simple yet good work as a hellish slaughtermap. I've done it multiple times after recording and editing. Thank you for making Phobophiliac and I'm looking forward to seeing your future project!
  2. Fallen Leaves is with no doubt a beautiful doom wad. I really like these autumn-themed maps with medieval-style structures and patterns in Fall. My personal favorite maps are Map04 - Palace of the Fall and Map05 - Aurelia. These 2 maps are pretty aesthetically gorgeous with magnificent views at the very beginning. The season theme transferred from Map06 - The Coming Chill to snowy winter white-themed. The last fight at the end of Map06 is quite an impressive battle. Fighting hordes of demons on the frozen plains and there is only one word to describe it, "EPIC!" Overall, both the gameplay and the view are pretty enjoyable. I was planning to do this wad earlier this year but my schedule was packed as large-sized french fries. Now I finally have done it and am really looking forward to seeing your future projects. Thank you for your good work and extra effort, peace! =)
  3. I have a good time while doing the run. One of the secrets of Map04 that required lowering the pillar to access the teleporter is hidden very well, and the combat in Map09 - FUBAR is quite brutal and challenging. I especially like the level design of Map01, 02,03, 07, and 09 that gave me good old CoD4 and BO1 vibes. This wad is solid and worth trying.
  4. The map looks exotically great; I like the structure, lightIng, and the concept design, in and out. It makes a blast from the very beginning and I somehow have an early summer vibe while doing this run. The enemy count looks a bit less then expected considering the scale of the map is wide and large, yet it's still an enjoying map even just for sightseeing. I aprreciate your hard work for making this beautiful map and have fun whIle taking a trip on this. I'm really looking foward to see yoir future project👍✨
  5. I have a blast while playing Doomguy Does Speed. All of the 7 maps are short yet quite neat and good-looking. My personal favorite one is Map02 - Highway to Hell Via Bus since it's rare to see this kind of map set the player start and fight on the moving vehicles. Map05 - District Showdown set a fast-action urban combat and I really enjoy the progress of cleaning from corner to corner, room by room. Map06 - Marble Pools of Color looks pretty awesome and has some real hot actions at the beginning and the end. Map07 - Blood and Rust gave me a Silent Hill vibe that it's atmospherically great and I really digging it. Thank you for your great effort making these fun maps to play!
  6. This map is simple yet quite neat and detailed. I really like the indoor/outdoor transition from the beginning and the latter game heading to the exit. Inside the facility, there are a couple of things that drag my attention. The lighting in the vicinity where the secret backpack is looking good and the toilet seems to be one of the entrances that hell spawn got into the techbase. I also like the route that you have the player from outside the techbase to the indoor environment; the sewer is also one of the memorable places that makes me feel deep and hard rumbling through the whole base. The extraction route for exit was guarded by cyberdemon and spider mastermind really spice things up drastically, I guess that's why the name of this wad has been made. All in all, it was quite an enjoyable run for Death Guard.
  7. Looks like I'm late for the party though Japanese Valentine is really a beautiful wad and it's actually enjoyable! I really like the Japanese stuff; architecture, decorations, sakura, and the doom-cute here and there. The castle in the background as part of the sky texture also draws my attention as I noticed. Pair it with Universal Rain & Snow makes it really rains and fits in the atmosphere. The outdoor/indoor environment of Map05 is pretty impressive from my view. The huge Japanese Castle on Map06 pumps me up for expecting more intense fights on my way up to the top floor. Also, the lost soul replacement is too cute which makes me feel a bit sorry when killed. =P This run might be a bit "over" yet it's surely a fun journey. Thank you all for making this adorable doom wad. =) Peace♥
  8. "Azazel wrecked humanity and now it's time to make him pay for it." "This is it. Azazel won't leave here alive!" Map30_Azazel's Second Descent The last map of the WAD. The scale is small to medium, though it contains 500-600+ kills all in the final arena. This map also has the specific features from the previous 6 chapters (Caves, Red Techbase, Orange Marble, Blood, Nukage, and Lava) in each corner that make the overall view look pretty tight and neat. Combat is colossal chaotic. Azazel, as the final boss of the WAD, has Diabolist (the custom red archville) skin with agile movement speed and several aggressive attacks. With his minions and the custom monsters, the situation might be unfolded swiftly. I somehow woke him up unintentionally, which made him start rolling and attacking while in an invulnerable state. Fortunately, Cygnis' beefy arsenal - Augur, has the almighty stopping power to falter Azazel a bit and ignore its "God Mode". I was luckily witnessing one of Azazel's amazing spells before the last shot got landed. With the "Power Fantasy" doom mod like Guncaster, the run didn't encounter any issues until the mid-game; FPS drop down severely that forcing me to ditch the custom monster pack. I thought that the game might get boring. However, custom monsters like Aracnorb Queen, Archon of Hell, Cybruiser, and Diabolist really spice things up quite well. This is another reason why I like Azazel's Second Descent as the game progress. Most of the maps and features in Azazel's Second Descent are really characteristic and atmospherically phenomenal from my view. I think you really have a good sense of aesthetic design; there are nice scenes that are worth the player to slow down and have some enjoyable sightseeing experience. As a slaughter-lite mega WAD, it's earned its place in my heart. The walkthrough took a bit longer than I expected though I do enjoy the journey and have lots of good time both on playing and editing stuff. I'm glad that I didn't drop it off and got the job done eventually. Thank you, Bloodbath Giraffe, for making this beautiful Doom wad. Also, I thank you all for visiting my channel and watching! =)
  9. Heading toward the end of the last Chapter - Lava. In Chapter 6, the yellow/orange damaging floor/liquid would be set as the main color tone to the end. All maps in chapter 6 contain lava (the damaging yellow liquid). While using Liquid Texture Pack 6.0, the visual effect seems to be upscaled to the next level and phenomenal. Map28_Conflagration of Souls The 2-level layout confused me, yet it's not hard to figure out the way to the end. The map scale is small though the engagements in this map are pretty brutal; the player will face 2 more cyberdemons with mobs in most of the fights. Hordes are as always swarming all over the place once the line is triggered. The switches for the secrets are hidden well, just need a bit more patience to look around the corner for collecting items. I jumped out of the rings several times for securing kills, and the reinforcement keep spawning in, that was crazy! Map29_Azazel's Descent Into Madness Here we are, the title screen background is from the very beginning of the map. This map's scale is large and the enemy placement is no mercy to the player who'd come this far! The wide corridors seem to be a decent place to hold and engage the incoming mobs but soon will be locked in the limited space. The player could expect to see that Azazel has been preparing lots of his minions for the "welcome parties" here. Not the most chaotic one I've seen so far, yet it's still a challenging map in this wad. I really like the "surprise" features that lower the walls, locking down the corridors and revealing mobs swarming at once. The decorative stuff like the lighting floor and the torch arrangements truly draw my attention and make the map more atmospherically awesome before reaching the end of the wad. I quite enjoyed these 2 maps since the fights get more intense one after another and it's pretty decent to demonstrate my all-time favorite Doom weapon mod Guncaster. I adopted "Hammersmite" and "Skullfire" on map28, and switched back to my favorite lightning spells - "Thunderstruck" and "Sigil" for killing efficiency. Azazel's big showdown is waiting ahead. I'll finish him for good.
  10. The beginning of the last Chapter - Lava. In Chapter 6, the yellow/orange damaging floor/liquid would be set as the main color tone to the end. All maps in chapter 6 contain lava (the damaging yellow liquid). While using Liquid Texture Pack 6.0, the visual effect seems to be upscaled to the next level and phenomenal. Map26_Metallic Inferno is the last starter map in the final chapter of Azzazel's Second Descent. The layout seems to be simple and neat. I really like the outdoor section where some decorative architecture in a wild. With the mod "Universal Map Enhancement" and the fire spells from Doom mod "Guncaster", I could light those dead trees on fire!! The enemy placement is quite evil since the custom monsters appear pretty often in most of the fights. Prepare for ambushes at every corner since the custom baron of hell might sneak behind you and does some heavy scratch! Map27_Flesh Furnace The 1K+ kills says it all that this map is the "actual" slaughterfest from the very beginning. The scale of Map27_Flesh Furnace is large and it separates into multiple sections for 3 keys arena, starting section, and the main area, in and out. Mind your feet since there are a couple of "lite" platforming parts in the main area. Once the player falls down to the lava, it seems to have no way to go back in one piece. The 3 key sections are tricky. 1 has timing and platforming with lava (the damaging floor), and the other 2 are pure slaughter parties. The main area (the outdoor part before entering the facility) also has a certain amount of enemies for the ambush. Fortunately,, there have an Invulnerability sphere and armor in the secret spots and it could be found quite easily. Collecting them all would be handy to deal with mobs. As the player obtained 3 keys and entered the facility, the fights get even more chaotic inside. Keep an eye on the corner because there is a switch for the last secret where it contains a soulsphere for survival. In order to fit in the scenarios that are filled with lava, I swapped my go-to spells for the fire ones (Flamewave and Skullfire). Both the firewall and the meteor visual effect are looking great and work efficiently in certain killing kinds of situations. Due to the compatibility and performance issue, I decided to finish Azzazel's Second Descent with vanilla monsters from now on. It won't change the gameplay that much at all, just the vanilla monsters. Grab some snacky-snack and have a good time!
  11. The last part of Chapter 5 (Nukage). Map25 - Canyon of Purification is the hugest map I've played in Azazel's Second Descent. As the specific theme of Chapter 5, this grand canyon also contains a tremendous amount of damaging floor. Fortunately, the fights mostly occur on the platform unless the player falls off from the high ground. The enemies in arenas have a mixed combination of custom monsters and the higher tier ones like tons of barons, hell knights, archivilles, and cyberdemons. As the game progress to the end of the chapter toward the last chapter, this kind of ferally intense battle is quite a usual thing. Secrets are easy to find and there also have items that are really helpful for facing the legions of mobs such as Soul sphere, Megasphere, and Invulnerability. Grab them all and keep on pushing forward!! Map25_Canyon of Purification also contains the specific mapping features from the previous 4 chapters. Vain on the ceiling in the caves, indoor structures, and the dynamic lighting. If there's no monster there, it could be an enjoyable tour. Map25_Canyon of Purification took me about 28 + minutes to finish the map with the power-fantasy mod like Guncaster, so I guess it could be longer like around 45 minutes + ~ 1 hour + in vanilla gameplay. As to the spell, Flamewaves has some footage showing its high DPS potential. As the player acquired the mask and/or got the mechamaker set in hands, casting Flamewaves will summon a great firewall that burns down foes within a blink of an eye. It causes multiple ticks in a very short time like the Firewall spell from Sorceress in Diablo II. It looks quite phenomenal and it works pretty well against ground units/stationary targets. The only downside of the hyper version of Flamewaves is that it might not work effectively against fast-moving targets and/or flying units. I ditched EVP monsters in this episode because the universal adapter and the monster pack drastically kill the performance, especially on this kind of big-scale map with 1K+ kills. Though the run seems no different except for the custom sprites from the monster pack. LegenDoomLite is still on for more spicy stuff, and that's it. I might switch back to EVP from the next map again if my potato could handle the run properly. Until then, have a good one, and take it easy!
  12. The second part of Chapter 5 (Nukage). In Chapter 5, the greenage color would be the leading tone, and all maps contain nukage (the damaging green floor). While using Liquid Texture Pack 6.0, the visual effect seems to be upscaled to another level and phenomenal. Map23 - Toxic Temple is a classic medium-scale slaughter map that contains several CQB arena fights and platforming. High enemy density in the small room makes the situation go tight quite easily. Looking for the hidden switches for items in secrets could be handy after consecutive tough fights. I accidentally blasted several imps out of the ring and they were wandering around outside of the map (inaccessible area), so I nuked the map for saving time and fast up to the next level. Most of the platforming sections are simple, just need to look out for enemies' incoming projectiles. There are several rad suits for protection from toxic liquid so make sure to collect them before the battles begin. Map24 - Mistakes of the Unknown is quite similar to Map23, yet with more space to maneuver. The hordes as always spawn fast once the line got triggered. Fortunately, ammunition and supplies are sufficient enough for the player to replenish and recharge during the walkthrough. The 2 hidden switches in the corners contain items for resupply. It's always recommended to collect them all since as the game progress, the arena fights get more chaotic. At this point, the game gets closer to the end, so expect more intense horde-sweeping for the incoming maps in the future episode of this walkthrough series.
  13. The first part of Chapter 5 (Nukage). In Chapter 5, the greenage color would be the leading tone, and all maps contain nukage (the damaging green floor). While using Liquid Texture Pack 6.0, the visual effect seems to be upscaled to another level and phenomenal. Map21 - Illogical Flesh Realm This is the first map to kick-start another whole new chapter. Fast collecting gear is always the No.1 priority for a fresh new start. Rocket Launcher, Plasma Rifle... You name it, the big guns all lying close to the player. Though there are multiple CQB deathmatches while gearing up, so beware at every single corner. 2 secrets provided soulsphere and armor are really handy to boost up HP and AP, so don't forget to grab 'em all. It's a somewhat short, yet pretty classical arena-heavy map from my view. Map22 - Demonic Executioners This map is large compared to the previous one and has 2 main sections. It seems to be a wide-open area but there are several lines that forcefully change the rules of engagement as triggered. Watch out for the enemies' projectiles while crossing the toxic liquid. As the player cleared the first main sections and then entered the latter part of the game, the fights get even more intense with lots of horde-slaying parties awaiting ahead. There are 2 megaspheres hidden in the secrets respectively for recharging HP and AP, so don't miss the small switches on the wall for access. The layout of these 2 maps is good-looking and well-decorated. Map21 is compact, neat, and classic. Map22 got me lagged several times by its larger map scale and the high kill count, yet it's still a beautiful map worth running at least once. I really like Map22's transition between 2 main areas and has its own unique trait respectively. These maps are really fun to play, much appreciated and can't wait for reaching the next map!
  14. The last part of Chapter 4 "Blood. Map18 - Blood Islands is another atmospherically excellent map from my view. The map is separated into several sections, each containing intense CQB fights. As paired with some visually enhancing mods, it just looks more phenomenal. I really like that the player could have a glance at the torches on the other islands through several angles...and the blood moon skybox, of course. The secrets are well hidden. Due to the fact that I ran out of time for recording, I used the spell "Darkpath" again to have quick access to the second secret. I feel that the custom monsters are seen more often here. They are unique and well-placed for overall balance. Map19 - Unending Nightmare leads the player to move into the facility. The floor however is still covered with blood. Unexpected ambushes from the very beginning show that no matter whether it's indoor or outdoor, it's always no mercy for the player - get ready to fight at every corner or get wrecked!! The crushing pillows added some fun and dangerous element when engaged. Dynamic lighting is still a good trait to enjoy. As the chaotic battle royal started at around 12:39, the player got surrounded by mobs. It's like being slapped in the face menacingly. However, if the player could manage to survive, he/she may be able to have a break to enjoy the peaceful silence while seeing the blood moon in the sky and the awesome lighting decoration in the arena. Map20 - Blood of Purification is the last map, the end of Chapter 4. It contains more intensive fights and more kills. It requires the player to execute decent movement and infighting trigger skills. It's more challenging than the previous 4 maps, though once the player finds the secrets and manages the resource properly, it will at least alleviate the stress of survival. Megaspheres and Invulnerability are really handy for tight situations, so it's highly recommended to find them all.
  15. Chapter 4. This blood theme seems to be redder than Chapter 2. Map16 - The Bell Tolls For Thee is 12/10 atmospherically awesome! The first map of each chapter appears to catch my eyeball from the beginning and got me digging into the journey further than expected. The fight at the bloody wasteland intensifies gradually yet has more room to move around. A building with 4-dimensional gates at the center of the wasteland soon shifts the combat style immediately. The dimensional gates will lead the player knee-deep into 4 CQB sections where the keys are heavily guarded by mobs. The fights get more intense so brace yourself whilst proceeding. Map17 - Eternal Suffering visually looks like an open area however, the maneuverable space will soon be crowded by mobs and the area will be locked and limited as fights begin. I have to teleport outside of the boundaries to secure the kills. For instance, flying tomatoes are hiding outside the arena, and I ain't no time waiting for them to come at me. At 18:43 a Cyberdemon was unintentionally blown out of the ring so I've got to fly out of the arena to finish the kill. I didn't notice how hilarious it was until I started working on editing stuff. The blood moon in the sky makes the whole scenario looks more demonic which really has me in the mood of slaughtering mobs.
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