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About Keyran-Solo

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  1. The average distance from the sun is 142 million miles...
  2. Cabin in the cold frosty woods...
  3. Maybe my favourite picture of a Monkey.
  4. Lot's of interesting views on these drinks! I personally never got headaches from them thankfully, just the heart pains mainly.
  5. Alkaline Trio. Not my current favourite artist, but have been my favourite artist for a looooooooooooong time!
  6. PSX DOOM isn't good. It's INCREDIBLE! It's how I got into DOOM when I was a kid in the 90's on my uncle's PlayStation. I was terrified of the imps and actually had a nightmare about them, but it always made me want to see and play more. Or at least watch someone play it because I was too scared... As an adult playing it, I can say it's one of the definitive versions of console DOOM. It has such a unique feel and look to it. Those fire effects in the sky are really something else, and helped separate it from other ports. The overall sounds and music of the game are so good. PSX DOOM R00LZ!
  7. I used to drink them all the time, and I think at first they did wake me up a little bit, but then after drinking so many, that effect soon wore off. Now I don't drink them because my heart started hurting and they really mess up your oral hygiene. Red Bull is the only one I can tolerate these days if I do happen to drink one, but the majority of them make me feel physically sick. Any of you a fan of these drinks or despise them completely? Random topic, I know.
  8. Coke any day. I used to prefer Pepsi, then went off it.
  9. Question: how do you get your hair so silky and smooth?
  10. Yeah! I just finished it. Amazing WAD!
  11. Umbrella Corps. It’s pretty awful but I’m a Resident Evil fanboy and have given myself the goal of finishing this garbage game.
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