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About Blackroat

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  1. I developed a lot of skill in Doom since then. But this can't be appreciated on Doom Forum because it was not 1.9 but 1.66... and I record normal, short videos instead of what is called a Demo. Unbelieveable. Seriously. Edit: If one watches my older videos, and newer videos, it's easy to notice the skill difference in my playing.
  2. In easier maps, I didn't use saves such as map 1-2-3-5-13-16-18-31-32 but in other maps, I played with saves. In map 13 and 16, I did saves but I did not load the saves. I shared some of the videos here. For the rest of my recordings, you can see on my channel :) Some are also pistol start while others are not, depending on the difficulty :) Edit: As for my actual long play of Nightmare in Doom 2, I had only done the pistol start in map 23 and map 28. Pistol start for Map 23 was becausing of surviving the map 22 with low health. Map 28 was replayed later again with pistol start after I had recorded its video because of losing one of the saves in map 29, which was made in the beggining. The reason is, I wouldn't do the the pistol start in map 29 so I did the pistol start with previous map (map 28) and went on playing with saves. And it was after a long break I took.
  3. One last video I put on this thread. Map 22 on Nightmare.
  4. Did I ever say something like I finished Doom 2 without saves? What the hell.
  5. It is coming from how it does not count as finishing Doom 2 on Nightmare. Because it was not 1.9 but 1.66. And second thing is...videos don't show the way I play because it is not what it is called a demo. It is coming from how everything is being said to ignore that I finished Doom 2 on Nightmare. Edit: I didn't actually know finishing Doom 2 on Nightmare was something this unbelieveable on the forum.
  6. I mentioned how I even finished some of the maps without even dying once and pistol start above (I have all videos on Youtube)... And all is because it was not 1.9? Not because I developed skill in the last few years?
  7. If we look for one original version, then it shoud be the first version. Why newer version?
  8. Did you read all I wrote above? I had asked a question.
  9. So, are you implying that I finished the maps of 1,2,3,5, 13,16,18,31,32 without even dying once on Nightmare and only used one single save for map 6 at the end (except one, map 16, they were also pistol start) because of these changes you've been talking about which I can't even notice? I have all those videos but they seem to have no importance because it is not what you call a demo. Edit: In Map 6, due to not being able to walk on demons in my first time at the end, I used just one single save. It was not because I died but a load is a load and it should count as dying.
  10. Same enviroments with same enemies. How are they designed differently? I see same Doom 2 on Youtube.
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