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About JediMB

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  1. Title: Necrotic Ooze from Dimension X Filename: necrooze.wad IWAD: DOOM2.WAD Map format: Vanilla (+ MAPINFO for GZDoom) Tested with: Doom 2, Chocolate Doom, Crispy Doom, GZDoom For advanced ports: Freelook and jumping/crouching should be DISABLED Download here. I started Doom-mapping in early 2021 and convinced myself that I was going to basically build an entire episode worth of maps with vanilla limitations. By summer of the same year, I felt extremely burnt out and quit halfway through MAP03 to instead join DavidXNewton's RAMP community mapping project... and so the WAD was simply left to rot on my Dropbox. Well, as a sort of birthday gift to myself, I'm making it available to the public now on August 21, 2022. MAP01 and MAP02 were completed with thing placement for all vanilla skill levels implemented, while MAP03 can be explored but not fully cleared. While the maps are "old" at this point, feedback is of course still appreciated. Screenshots:
  2. This was A RIDE. I finally had the chance to play few of the other contributors' maps last night, now that I feel like I can consider my own map finished, and I'm looking forward to hopefully getting through the whole thing eventually.
  3. Since this style of mapping doesn't actually work well for everyone, I would rather encourage experimenting to figure out what kind of work flow is best for you. For some it's better to work on the overall layout first, and get into detail-oriented work later. For some it's better to complete one room at a time and let inspiration for the next room come as you finish the one you're working on. For some it's easier to build the rooms progressively from the map's starting point to its exist. For some it's easier to come up with cool set piece rooms first and to build the rest of the maps around them.
  4. I'm still in the early stages of mapping and trying out different environments and map gimmicks, but I suppose my style includes... Narrative. My maps carefully lead into each other, and I make sure that the environments fit into a larger story I have in mind. I like to figure out fun ways for the player to interact with the environment, often using layers of interactive geometry. I'm very picky with texture choice and positioning. Definitely taking John Romero's mapping rules to heart here. Vanilla. As much as I'd like to play around with colored sectors and unlimited geometry, I think it's good for me to start with vanilla constraints. I definitely need to play more Doom, though. I went more or less straight from not having played the game for decades into mapping for the first time, and there's probably a lot community content I should be experiencing as well.
  5. The map I'm working on right now has the player teleporting into what is supposed to be a set of pocket hell dimensions, each with their own style and monsters to face. One of those areas uses the Wolfenstein textures and the SS enemies, so it's basically the same premise as the secret levels in Doom II, but it's just there as a quick encounter among up to five others.
  6. Pretty sure I haven't messed around with this since the 90's, but this quick guide seems straightforward enough: https://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/78083-batch-files-create-menu-execute-commands.html
  7. Pretty much this. I haven't found the inspiration for a larger map layout yet, which might just be a matter of experience, so I just start with trying to a build a single interesting room and then expand from there, room by room. I'm almost done with my 3rd map now, and I figure I'll make about eight of them before I release the "episode" to the public.
  8. I'm definitely too much of a mapping newbie to have a go at this, but I'm keeping my eyes on it to see what the results end up being. I considered for a moment if I could just start building and submit the next map in the episode I have in the works, but I'm just not at a level where I think I could stand any chance of finishing a map in a week... much less 15 hours of build time.
  9. As a 9-year-old in the first half of 1994, absolutely. I didn't even dare to leave the first room of E1M1 until I had IDDQD on my side. Today... I still find a lot of levels to be creepy, but then I don't think I've played the games in their entirety since the 90's, and I'm not sure if I ever finished them without cheating. To this day, Still haven't played Thy Flesh Consumed, but I'm slowly getting there as I've picked up the games on the Switch. (When I'm on my PC, I'm usually mapping rather than playing since I rekindled my DOOM interest.) I guess I'm just the kind of person who gets nervous in general when it comes to games with creepy atmospheres. My imagination and immersion kick into overdrive in a way they just don't do with movies, and that makes it hard for me to play them. I still haven't played past the introductory part of Alien: Isolation.
  10. Short clip from my second map. It's a bit outdated at this point (recorded nearly a month ago), and I'm currently working on MAP03.
  11. I've been running into the same thing in a similarly dark room with spots of semi-circular light in it, but hadn't bothered to look it up. I've already been removing unnecessary detail and putting up obstructions because of drawsegs overflow, but I guess I'll look over it again and see if I can replace some geometry detailing with appropriate decorative Things instead.
  12. Well, PNAMES is just a table/list of lump names to be used by TEXTUREx, and I'm pretty sure the TEXTUREx lumps rely on patch index numbers rather than the names of the patches, so deleting entries in the PNAMES table is going to mess that up. (Deleting the 2nd entry in the table will shift all following entries up one step, so every texture that uses any of those will become associated with incorrect patches?) The PNAMES lump is just a couple of kilobytes in size, so cleaning it up seems like a lot of effort for basically no gain?
  13. There are a couple of wall textures and flats that are coded to animate in the Doom executables that aren't actually used (and don't have any graphics) in the base Doom games. For example, textures named WFALL1 through 4 will animate if put and defined in a WAD file. If you want to, you can pack multiple animated textures horizontally inside those texture definitions and just make sure to adjust the width and texture offsets for your walls to hide it. DoomWiki has info on which animated wall and animated flat definitions are used in the games.
  14. I don't really have any artistic skill to speak of, but I've decided that everything in my first WAD is going to be either vanilla or stuff I've made on my own (usually based on vanilla assets). So it bothered me that the base games have three different "gate" symbols for the red teleporter pads, but only the pentagram for the silver pads, and so I decided to fix that. Also made some color-coded gate flats to give the player an idea of the purpose of the teleporters. (In my WAD, green indicates progression, blue indicates backtracking, and red will be "special".) The silver gate flats were put together using the existing GATE4 and AG128_1 lumps. The central symbols were drawn as vectors with an alpha mask layer on top. Meanwhile, the blue and green flats are just GATE1 and GATE2 with their colors remapped in SLADE.
  15. I just picked up a Bluetooth audio adapter for my Switch just so I could conveniently play Doom on bus rides. I've had Doom 1 on there for a good while, and recently picked up Doom II and 64 at the tail-end of a sale. As much as I prefer playing with mouse and keyboard, I tend to be busy mapping when I'm actually at my PC, so it's nice to get some Doom time in when I'm off somewhere else.
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