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About THiEF_HD209

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  1. For those who want to speedrun PsyDoom, the leaderboards rules have been updated to reflect the new update. No Monsters category has also been added. Happy Dooming :) https://www.speedrun.com/psydoom
  2. This was probably the greatest one I've seen so far lol I didn't even think about doing that when I made this map.
  3. My question is: What are your thoughts on the doom speedrunning community, and would you ever consider joining in on it for a new doom challenge for yourself?
  4. So I'm not really sure how to go about this any other way but I'm currently looking to get in contact with the unity port devs for multiple reasons. 1) An actual person we can report bugs to. The game has some very fucking annoying bugs that affect casual play (as well as speedruns). 2) We in the Unity speedrunning community are currently developing a 32 map set custom wad that we would like to see about getting added as an add-on for the Unity port, since the WAD is being built to be fully compatible with it. Anyone with this info please contact me on Discord (THiEF#1573) or even here is fine. Thank you.
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