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About cracky-bracky

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  1. Just put honey on bread (doughy bread works best) and u have the best sandwitch ever
  2. I would recommend changing the font to something more unique, maybe stickman/written like, instead of the "default unity" font u have. :D
  3. Doomman Bioupgradeable whybmoisacrab Languica Moredeath Planetmachine Wadmapper Sheldon
  4. Bigger version of that unused card table texture from lostres (128x128) And a bigger computer screen which is also 128x128 :D
  5. I think it's really stupid and creepy. But it makes alot of money :D To everybody talking about "banning tiktok" whatever, banning tiktok won't do anything, because it'll just come back again with another company. There will always be a "tiktok". The current "tiktok" just filled the gap left by musical.ly which was like the same thing (it's even by the same company!) And before that, there was vine. People can't just go without their adhd vids forever, yknow :P
  6. I dont read books but i read an entire "get fuzzy" comic book once and i liked it :P Also read homicidal jungle cat once last year that was also cool (it's calvin and hobbes)
  7. I wanna run GZdoom but have godmode be put on whenever i run it. It won't do that however i dont really know why (i have no idea what im doing) I am using Ultimate Doom Builder R4102. (I also tried removing the minus thing before god)
  8. Yea, i've tried it out before (virtualbox AND qemu lol) and i thought it was pretty cool. I don't really have any C experience at all much less holyC though so i couldn't get much done ;p I like listening to terry talk about stuff as well, i even have gigs of his videos archived on my other hard disk lmao We also share alot of the same computing/whatever ideals (and i think that a modern day 64 bit commodore is totally badass) :D * Internet is not a necessary part of the system (he has it removed entirely in templeos) * Security features are nonsense * All the power should be towards the user * Everything should be done right at the kernel (ring 0) * Programming should not have middlemen/training wheels everywhere, and it should just be straight to the hardware I wish there was an operating system like templeos but with a more fleshed out GUI (ik that wasn't terrys vision but still itd be cool)
  9. No, i would just wait until christmas to get a gift card probably lol.
  10. Kinda spooky mall pic i took with an old cam i have (sony powershot, cant remember the model) It was inside this abandoned shop through these little shutter things they have when they close a place down.
  11. Saw the opportunity to put this on WOLF7, lol I present to you, DUKE7 :)
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