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About Gosu_Noob

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    RNG Runner

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  1. It's finished Orii.... E3M8 Tyson in 1:13 e3m8t113.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_JdNajy5h0
  2. E3M8 Pacifist in 56s e3m8p056.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-7HcD970tM
  3. E3M8 UV-Speed in 27 e3m8-027.zip https://youtu.be/OUnZDxSgkPA
  4. Map 17 UV-Max in 2s rvh17m002.zip https://youtu.be/2ps-4GJAtjg Map 17 Nomo in 0.29 rvh17o029.zip https://youtu.be/vkjk7NRAqiM Map 18 UV-Max in 25s rvh18m025.zip https://youtu.be/71X7soyImiM Map 19 Nomo in 48s rvh19o048.zip https://youtu.be/fuaEEhEGyRI Map 19 Pacifist in 48s rvh19p048.zip https://youtu.be/LtCRrzwq06Y Map 42 Pacifist in 1s rvh42p001.zip https://youtu.be/aJmJ5baqMLk
  5. Map 1 Pacifist in 1:09 dotw01p109.zip https://youtu.be/WIfIfSQJJ-4
  6. E2M8 UV-Max in 30.03s e2m8m3003.zip Submitting this old for the timeline, and the slot machine memories. Congrats again to Meowgi for the 29 and Billa for the 28.
  7. Map 13 Nightmare in 3 ap13n003.zip https://youtu.be/jmdAXltTDZc Map 13 Pacifist in 4.37 ap13p437.zip https://youtu.be/YqOaQBk_uhA Map 13 Stroller in 6 ap13str006.zip https://youtu.be/cvxd9pOLmOA Map 15 Pacifist in 13 ap15p013.zip https://youtu.be/usLxG_Yaie4 Map 19 stroller in 13 ap19str013.zip https://youtu.be/ykeUZi_lKGU Map 20 Pacifist in 24 ap20p024.zip https://youtu.be/z5uv9j_7tl8
  8. Vile Archi Looper Zero Master Twister Decay El Inferno Insomnia Soul_runner Local Disk (C:)
  9. Map 11 UV-Max in 4s rldb11m429.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AheffHr8YOQ Map 12 UV-Max in 16s rldb12m016.zip https://youtu.be/9PcZ_SONpXI Map 13 UV-Max in 7s rldb13m783.zip https://youtu.be/tUL1N0z0vFA Map 13 Nomo in 5s rldb13o580.zip https://youtu.be/6X9QUBB-cYo
  10. TAS creators could/should look into using this where possible to save time on long static drops...
  11. TUBS Doom E1M8 UV-Max in 22 tubs18m022.zip https://youtu.be/8jX2wNy2b20
  12. Well I didn't know this was a thread, so here goes the resident "luck runner". Billa mentioned E2M8... ZM mentioned Tatsurd's ridiculous double avj save at the end of a near 3 hour run... (btw never looked that the ending of that till now. This might actually be the luckiest run of all time) Haste 10 Pacifist has yet to be mentioned, so here it is. So Meowgi was grinding this run and attempting to run it as UV-speed on stream by shooting the vile. Rayziik comes along and stream snipes the run and gets an exit so insane that Meowgi literally stopped streaming runs, and the famous "HE STOLE!" meme was born. In the run, the cyber fires a rocket as Rayziik is running at perfect timing. A chaingunner starts attacking and accidentally hits the vile on the pillar, triggering his pain state. A moment later the rocket kills the chaingunner, leaving no target for the vile.... except Rayziik who has now rounded the tower and has started shooting at the vile to try to trigger a pain state. He never actually hits the vile, and gets his jump and exit, making this run pacifist to boot. Its actually nuts. has10p0866 (2).zip For my own runs, I was just talking to Billa about this yesterday. Out of the countless rng based luck runs I've done, there's two that stand out to me beyond e2m8. 1. TNTThree map 7 UV-speed. I always like to give a hat tip to this map for its creative and unique use of the IoS. The icon spawns 3 monsters at a time, and the intended strategy is to kill 4 arachno's to raise the platform 4 times and then exit. In this run, I was able to get 3 arachno's to cycle in a row leading to the fastest possible raise of 3 platforms. The very next spawn, was a vile (1.7% chance I believe, so even with 3 spawns this is roughly a 1/20 chance). I lower the platform which has only been raised 3 times, and AVJ out of the arena to save time on the last arachno cycle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqeuetAnEMg 2. Frog and Toad map 3 UV-speed. I was trying to use the same strat that lucky_edie used in his run, but to do the platforming a little faster and stand on a pillar which created a tighter angle for the ball to hit the vile. The Baron never stops moving from the time I trigger him at the start, and the very first ball he shoots before even turning the corner hits the vile. The angle is so tight on the shot from the baron, that the ball actually appears to clip through part of the wall. From there, I have fairly poor luck in triggering a vile jump as early as possible, but the sheer luck of the baron rng makes me believe this might be my hardest "luck run" to beat. (Even with losing nearly 3 seconds to the vile target) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DySMg_C48lE
  13. 7RocketBaron.zip I won the low-roll challenge myself. Damage table: ``` 183 133 215 132 152 151 160 ```
  14. Map 1 Stroller in 39 ru01str039.zip https://youtu.be/nJMogZV3Cjo
  15. Oopsie!!! Map 1 Pacifist in 3s oopsp003.zip https://youtu.be/4451kD17avQ Map 1 Stroller in 5s oopsstr560.zip https://youtu.be/Qc5E_iUkfIk
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