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About CyberHog

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  1. This is such a fun contest and initiative. And actual prizepool is rare. Unfortunately I am not confident in my abilities, being very new to mapping and all, I will give it a try this weekend for the heck of it but can't promise I manage to create something. I remember liking Jenesis and played through the first map again after seeing this thread. If nothing else I was reminded of that wad, and actually paid attention to the "jimmylights" thanks to this thread hehe...
  2. That was not my intention honestly, but I know some musicians start to hate their biggest hits after playing them live 5000 times and everyone only wanting to hear them. Is it the same for video game creators? Hideo Kojima for example wanted to "get out" from making Metal Gear Solid games long before he did. If it come across as dark or mean then of course don't ask it. But it could be an interesting thing to ask/discuss about if you word it right.
  3. What are his thoughts about being forever branded by a game made 27 years ago? No matter what he would do now people will always compare it to Doom. Has this affected his creative output in any way?
  4. PSX Doom felt like a horror game more than anything else first time I played it. Granted I was very young as well, but the really eerie soundtrack, the actual fire-sky in Hell and the sound effects in general really did much. First time I faced the Cyberdemon is something I will never forget either. I didn't even strafe back then and it really became a cat-and-mouse game and his footsteps haunted me for a long time in a good way. PC Doom with its Midi-Metal soundtrack and not as creepy sound effects felt a lot simpler, then again I was a lot older when I played it and was also more accustomed to horror in general.
  5. I see you quoted my first post here, you did see that I released a second version with more detail? Not that is is Sunder-level anyway of course... I can definitely make it a bit nicer overall and difficulty is the easiest (and funnest!) thing to change. My biggest inspiration level-wise was Aztec, with dwindling tunnels and cave-ish areas. Does not look or play much like that one at all in the end of course. If the level is too un-Plutonish it's no problem, I can use this map for another project I have in mind as well, but if you think it is salvagable I can fix it as well. Or just make a completely new level for this one when I have spent more time and gotten better overall.
  6. Funnily I no longer get a parsing error, but instead this. No matter what I set the Actor number as it just shows up as this. If I try to change anything else I get numerous error messages. Just so weird, no other monster have been this hard to get right.
  7. Hello, I've been playing around with custom monsters for a new map set idea I have. Downloaded them from realm667 and succesfully added them into my wad, even testing and fighting them and everything works good. But I can't for the life of me get the "Zombie Scientist" to work. https://www.realm667.com/index.php/en/beastiary-mainmenu-136-69621/doom-style-mainmenu-105-73113?start=180 The one in this list. Is there something more I need to add to this in the script except the actor number? I followed Chubzdoomers tutorial about custom monsters to the point and as I said, I managed to do it with all other monsters I tried, but not any of the "zombie scientist" types. There is nothing about it in his video, so what am I missing? Here is the code, it says it is a parsin error. (Haven't changed the actor here, this is the base code I downloaded) Class ZombieScientist : Actor { Default { obituary "%o was axe-murdered by a zombie scientist."; health 20; mass 90; speed 8; Radius 20; Height 52; painchance 200; seesound "grunt/sight"; painsound "grunt/pain"; deathsound "grunt/death"; activesound "grunt/active"; MONSTER; +FLOORCLIP } States { Spawn: SCZA AB 10 A_Look(); loop; See: SCZA AABBCCDD 4 A_Chase(); loop; Melee: SCZA E 8 A_FaceTarget(); SCZA F 16 A_CustomMeleeAttack (random (2, 6) *5, "KnifeHit", "skeleton/swing"); SCZA E 4; goto See; Pain: SCZA G 3; SCZA G 3 A_Pain(); goto See; Death: SCZA H 5; SCZA I 5 A_Scream(); SCZA J 5 A_NoBlocking(); SCZA K 5; SCZA L 5; SCZA M 5; SCZA N -1; stop; XDeath: SCZA O 5; SCZA P 5 A_XScream(); SCZA Q 5 A_NoBlocking(); SCZA RSTUV 5; SCZA W -1; stop; Raise: SCZA MLKJIH 5; goto See; } }
  8. Down There.rar Updated version, primarily some cosmetic changes, also added multiplayer starts and a few extra enemies/pickups for coop. Thanks to @Silhou3tte for testing it. Map spot does not really matter, but if there is a level that starts in a bloody/Hellish area this would be fitting to come before it.
  9. I want to buy a beer and strangle you at the same time for making this.
  10. If it is fun it is good. If it is not fun it is bad. Hope that helped.
  11. I toilet papered one of my teachers house when I was 12 years old. I still laugh about it even though I am 28 years old now. She had it coming.
  12. Down There.rar Here is the first version of my map. "Down There..." Map spot 01 for testing, don't really care which one it will be later but since there are some Hellish-areas episode 2 would probably be suitable. Screenshots: What makes Plutonia so great compared to the other iwads imo is how a lot of levels are very non-linear, with convoluted nature-esque architecture. I tried for something similiar. So a huge cave that spreads into several areas here. 119 enemies on Ultraviolence 4 secrets This is my first published map ever so feedback is more than welcome. Hopefully it can be used for this. EDIT: I used the texture pack attatched to the OP, so it needs to be loaded at the same time as that. Oh and Plutonia as iwad of course.
  13. Well there is no better Doom-related feeling than running and gunning through a tough fight, using the enemies to your advantage (infighting) etc I tend to take a more methodical approach the first time I play a level. Nothing weird about that. A well designed fight should make it impossible anyway to be too cautious. But like other people have said, play the game how you want.
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