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About McJerb

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  1. I started making midis for a doom wad that i never got around to finishing so here's the midis I made hope you enjoy. https://mcjerb.bandcamp.com/album/in-ruines
  2. I really appreciate the critism , my friends that I've shown only tell me its good and nothing else, all the feedback can help me become a better composer and learn more.
  3. On a wad im working i made my own midis heres some of my favorites. I already got a good idea what to do for that level showcase.zip
  4. This is the first wad that I am making and I finished working on the boss for it, The Unforgiven is a modified cyberdemon with missiles that follow you around. I am excited to finish this wad soon and have been having fun while making it!
  5. If I press dash once it continues to dash until I press escape or tab. I'm on pc and this has started happening since the update on March 4th.
  6. ah, ok thank you sir i will do something about the palette.
  7. I set it to DOOM's palette and it is still black and white, this is my first time importing textures so sorry for not knowing much lol.
  8. I am making a custom sky and whenever i convert the png to a doom graphic it turns black and white. Anyone got any solutions to this?
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