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About Dwimepon

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    Endlessly yelling about how good Tears of the False God is
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  1. Thank you! I'm not planning on making additional levels since that's kind of the reason I initially abandonned the project. Still, much appreciated! I'm starting to learn ZScript right now, so I might actually do something more with DipSwitch one day. Maybe a gameplay mod...?
  2. Released update 1.05! Here's the changelog: Edit: Quickly pushed version 1.06 because I forgot to set TITLEMAP to "fade to black" initially. Whoops!
  3. Aaaah, nice catch. I'll try to fix that right away - it just shows as a normal sky in UDB's Visual Mode but looks like This in action so I'm not sure how I'm going to make it look better, but I'll find a way. The rocket launcher not regaining ammo was intentional though, for balance purposes! And yeah, I probably should have made Hell Knights less tanky. I'll reduce their health so they can be killed with 2 grenades, same as the Cacos. Thanks!
  4. About two years ago, I started learning DECORATE, ACS and UDMF to see if I could do silly stuff with it. After experimenting for a bit, I started working on a MASSIVELY overambitious project: A 5-stage partial conversion of Doom inspired by arcade games of yore, with revamped weapons, enemies and mechanics. Needless to say, I didn't go far: I pretty much finished the gameplay part, but mapping on such a scale was just too much for me. So I sat on it for a while, until I decided to retool it to make it work with the sole level I had completed, adding a bit more meat to it as well as a proper ending... ladies and gentlemen, I present to you DipSwitch! Download (Only for GZDoom, requires doom2.wad) Map tested in GZDoom 4.5.0 and 4.10.0, no big problem noted! Jumping and freelook are both required. What's DipSwitch? It's the first time I release such a big project, so I'd love to get feedback on it! It's still pretty rough around the edges in some parts so I'm definitely planning to update it some more. Thanks so much!
  5. Hey, sorry to the bearer of bad news, but I think I'll have to leave the project. My map is about 70 percent done, but a lot of personal stuff just hit me and I definitely won't be able to finish it before a while, let alone the end of January. Sorry.
  6. Congratulations to everyone involved, this was a super fun project to be a part of!
  7. Still working on my map! Planning to do a crossroads kind of thing, slowly getting chunks done every day.. Here's a WIP screenshot!
  8. Thank you to everyone involved, it was a blast to be a part of the project! :D
  9. Actually kind of adorable.... I want to pet it.
  10. Oh, never heard of it! Looks like it has some mixed opinions on Steam, but if that's the price to pay for some sweet sweet leaning keys in a modern shooter I'm game.
  11. I do still enjoy the meme, but I definitely get your point. Especially when the actual programmers / modders who made it possible aren't credited by whatever gaming journalism outlet a given article is from. Gee, that "Someone" sure did a lot of doom ports and mods
  12. Man, the KDiKDiZD article was incredibly well-written - I'm even more excited to give the wad a try now! Congratulations to all the talented winners, you more than deserve it!
  13. Ever since I played Deathloop, I can't get enough of leaning keys (i.e hold Q to tilt your character to the left or E to tilt them to the right while being able to aim and shoot as normal). It makes cover in FPSes feel much more dynamic and way less awkward since you can pop in and out of cover with the press of a button, instead of walking out of what's currently protecting you and straight into the line of fire. I've always wondered why it never became a mainstay in shooters. Thoughts on leaning keys and why they're not super popular in modern games? Are there shooters or imsims with especially good leaning mechanics? I just like my dinky Q and E keys
  14. Not so much "cursed" as "horribly unsatisfying", but this door texture in CANYON.wad:
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