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About SilentD00mer

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  1. Trying to contribute to the community again... Let's see how it goes this time

  2. Yeah, if you accept contributions from a beginner, I'd like to participate! One question: I didn't see any mention to the music used, so I could use the original music(or the music from any IWad)? I got no talent for music so I can't compose my own tracks :D
  3. Mouse + Keyboard, with high sens. I tried Keyboard only sometimes, my wrist was hurting a couple of hours after every experience. The same with mouse and low sens. It gives you more precision but you have to move your arm to move the mouse and I can't get used to play this way.
  4. I'm still playing the new Freedoom 1. So far I like the changes, specially the music, it feels more tense(in a lack of a proper word to describe it) to me in some points. I kinda miss the old sprite for the shotgun, but this new version is very cool, too!
  5. At this point, asking what is the "preferred port/port of choice/any variation of this" is probably gonna result in a locked thread (well, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit) On the topic, mine is Crispy (sometimes Choco) for vanilla and the other games (Heretic, Hexen) and Woof for MBF and Boom.
  6. As a player who likes to get achievements in any other games, I don't feel like Doom needs something like this. Well, Doom it's a very simple game(and I love this) and was born in a time we didn't have any "achievements system" I guess, so I really don't care about achievements for Doom.
  7. Category: 1 Dead on: Map 07 Kills: 87/92 Time: 1:01:15 DWIM_SilentD00mer_25years.zip So close... :( Need more training...
  8. Oh nice, this seems to be a better solution! Thanks :)
  9. I don't use the gamepad for playing Doom, but I keep it always connected. This is probably the case, I'm always with strict mode enabled for DSDA and Woof. Maybe my controller is not well calibrated, also it's not an original Xbox. It looks like a problem with my controller so I'll try to disconnect it before recording demos and see if the problem persists. Thanks for your answers!
  10. Very cool release! I like the additions made to this version, specially the ability to toggle the stats above status bar and the grouping of config options in menu. I got one problem, though. It may be restrict to people who uses linux, but I tried to record some demos with Woof and when I use the '-record' param I got my mouse completely disabled, and this problem occurs with the AppImage and the package compiled from source. The conditions for this problem are a mystery for me, since it happens very randomly, sometimes Woof runs normally and sometimes the mouse doesn't work, even if I restart Woof. Did anyone have a similar problem?
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