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Piranha Fang UGC

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About Piranha Fang UGC

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  1. I don't want to spend money in professional courses, but i want to learn enough to be able to compose at least something, so, is there any site or video, or etc. that could help?
  2. Dang, XIII?! That game i saw in a game magazine being advertised with a java phone version? you know it's an old game when it lived doing those 2 thing... Only the 1st one, 2 is 9.99 rn...
  3. Name: BULLET Map Format: Doom Ports Tested: Crispy Doom 5.10.0, ZDoom 2.8.1 Build Time: Around 8 to 15 Hrs, I procrastinate so much during build time, making it dificult to track down the estimated time. Textures: FreeDoom, Wolfenstein 3d & jimmytex External PWADs: Jimmytex.wad of course Requirements: the only requirement you need to do is TURN DOWN THE VOLUME, I didn't have time to edit the volume of some sounds and they sound too loud, especially the chaingunner's (i haven't merge the .deh file with the .wad file so you have to drag both to your doom source port to play) Comments: Now i know how game devs feel after working with deadlines, i shouldn't have procrastinated as mush as i did, but here it is, shorter than i wanted, but it's here, the map is heavely inspired by games like Metal Slug & Action Doom, the RAR file comes with both a .deh and a .wad file, which can be use for complete vanilla source ports. BULLET.rar
  4. Is allowed to modify enemies and guns? y'know, gameplay mods, mine uses dehacked so it's not very game changing
  5. Frick that teleporter, you're not guaranteed to survive that, not even with a Berserker Pack
  6. Heh... reminds me when i played megaton edition, I got squished in a place where i thought i wont get killed, died, and instantly showed me the level completed screen. That happened in E2L4, checked the replay later just to discover the clip got corrupted
  7. I noticed that when i edit a projectile's damage in WhackEd4 and then I testing it in game, it does not makes the exact damage i set. Is there a way to disable the RNG based damage scale so it can make the exact damage a want?
  8. Did you check if their States are corectly ordered, for example, if tre1 is 1 and tre2 is 2, then set tre1's next state to 2 (tre2's state)
  9. Hi, i've been asking myself if I should start with Slade, which I have already installed, or with Doom Builder, since most tutorials are made for Doom Builder (and not all of them are for the same version), Which one should i use for Vanilla Maps
  10. Very Interesting Trick Indeed... Question, do you think it's possible to make it use limited ammo?
  11. I know this thread is not for this but... BD's tone remind me to Duke Nukem 3d, it Probably suits in a Duke game better that a doom one... Sorry, had to say it, all other threads seems to be dead or abandoned
  12. PSX doom's UV (or was it NM?) included doom 2 monsters in Doom 1 levels, there are no revamped levels and no D2 weapons, but hey, D2 monsters, that's something...
  13. FRYED FINGERS Like a chilli dogs cart, but instead of hot dogs, it sells fryed fingers, 'cuz ya know, it's hell, it needs hellish stuff Yep, no promotion, no slogan, just a demon... standing behind the cart... In a corner... Totally quiet... Questioning if you're gonna buy something, or just questioning its life...
  14. Very low power demand, I have a very bad machine so if doom doesn't run as good as it does on Chocolate/Crispy/Vanilla, and there's no way to optimize it, then i'm out. other thing that is very welcome is marshmallow's offline deathmatch, is a good time killer when there's no internet (or in my case, the internet is complete garbage), but, of course, it's not necessary, just something that i would like to be in other ports, personally
  15. Greetings, so, this question is more of a "does completing vanilla DooM give you a map designing criteria?" than "does completing vanilla DooM make you a good doom player?", because, you know, deathmatch exists, and I think that's the way to get better at DooM. I'm already on map12 on DooM II but i feel like i didn't learned almost nothing, probably it's only me, who knows
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