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About Godzialox666

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  1. One of the best artwork for doom, and a very original one, i have seen the process of making this intermission and the result looks amazing, and like i'd said, very original I didn't ever seen a intermission map like the 1993 ones. Awesome Devil!
  2. Ambiental maps, dark or with a lot of work in the visual style, always with a good gameplay obviously. And in theme of the maps.. hmm, i think alien spaces, hell caves or dungeons :)
  3. dudo mucho ver a alguien tomandose el tiempo para hacer un mod de una serie que ya se olvido, duro 1 semana ajajja
  4. We will try to fix that bugs in the next update, thanks! also we will put more ammo in map04 or things like that. And I don´t know what u mean with "cracked"?
  5. Thanks for the support and for your music, we'll try to do our best to the episode 2, more schizofrenic, longer, better atmosphere or one more worked on, and with new things like @OceanMadman music, maps in intermission screens, and more sprites 0_0
  6. nah, thank you very much brother, the review is appreciated, I don't know if you played the 6 maps, tomorrow I will see the demo, but yes, I'm glad you like it, we changed something like the more broken chainsaw and the super shotgun and I also changed the behavior of some enemies, but come on, the important thing in the wad is the environment, the visuals and the experience, the combat matters, but it is not what matters the most. Thank you so much! Dfe Duud
  7. Gnome Hunters is a Boom-Format 6 maps wad divided in two episodes. Inspired by memes about Gnomes and B.P.R.D levels. This Wad was made in cl9 (boom bormat). It was made by 2 mappers that are Me and the magnificent @OceanMadman. It features music by @Hunted11, as well as the special support of my friend @DevilMyEyes And at the last minute, @ZaidRune helped me modify the sprites of chaingunner and shotgun guy, as well as the mapinfo for the ports of zdoom and gzdoom. Thanks to all these people and to the Hunted11 comunity on Discord that has supported us. The project started in December 2023, and we finished the first chapter today, April 28, 2024, since the Gnome memes started this same day 1 year ago, so as an anniversary I started this wad! >>>DOWNLOAD HERE<<< The maps have been tested with: Woof, DSDA-Doom, Zdoom and Gzdoom -No jumping/crouching allowed -Freelook is optional (preferably not) -This wad is designed to be played without pistol start, but each level can be finished by pistol start, play however you want (I recommend playing with weapons from previous levels, since this one tells a linear story) -Super Shotgun, Chainsaw and enemies behavior modified B-) Funny Thing: IDDQD doesn´t Work... millionwearthehats on cheat code... UPLOAD: We are working for the chapter 2, more levels, sprites, more work, more quality, and it will be in another post. It works as a sequel of the events that you can see in this chapter1!
  8. Advances of a proyect that is very big... Gnome Hunters Chapter 2 soon..
  10. La salida secreta es death exit que funciona como una normal, osea, te lleva al siguiente mapa, no a él secreto, eso es lo que quería decir
  11. dank, el secret exit es muy dificil o inaccesible y la exit secret, no te lleva al map secreto, no pusiste secret exit creo
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