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About CrowServo

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  1. I got another idea watching youtube; it's better to just list the urls, and use as much as you can: The Black Bird of Chernobyl would be perfect for the boss, the nuclear fungus would be a cross between Heretic's pods and how one PC in Hexen uses the Flechette as a poison gas thing. Sites like the Exclusion Zone, the abandoned hospital, the power plant, the ruins of the carnival, the school houses and farms would be perfect settings for levels. Nice touches would abound, from painted human silohuettes, to the placement of creepy dolls, the fish in jars to examining chair in the forest. The hospital basement should have the Elephant's foot and the piles of clothes, and a pseudo cemetery would be present w/ the concrete coffin. Monsters include mutant wolves, spiders and their webs, fungi, huge fish, insects and animals w/ tumors and cataracts, feral cats, damaged cattle, vicsious boars and other animals and plants. I also remember a movie from "Mystery Science Theater 3000" called "Worms", which would fit perfectly; giant, aggressive earthworms. What do you think?
  2. I have another suggestion; I've just seen a youtube video about Seinfeld.wad, a recreation of Jerry Seinfeld's apartment. First, I thought of suggesting the author try Sheldon's apartment from "The Big Bang Theory" (including Sheldon's and Leonard's rooms). Then I thought, once this is done, go for it! From The third floor of the apt. building to the Cheesecake Factory, from California Technical Institute to Stuwart's comic book shop, the possibilities are _endless_!... I have a text file w/ better defined info :) PUT THIS ON YOUR BACKUP! - Big Bang Theory DooM!.rar
  3. I tried downloading this, but the *.rar file says it's damaged; the file is useless to me. Could you put up a version that's not damaged?
  4. I agree; this was, as mentioned earlier, a planned feature for DooM. This is similar to Wolf 3d's secret level being a Pac Man maze, and the Commander Keen playing Pong. As I recall, only a few subroutines were made, and it didn't really go anywhere, so it was removed. Nice touch putting it back in! :)
  5. Get this; I was sitting at the dinner table, eating a double burger; I had earlier seen a Youtube video about McDonald's; And it hit me - Demon burgers! This would be an idea where certain people solve the problem of demon corpse buildup by "using" them to solve the human hunger problem. It's pretty much like a joke at the beginning of a "Calvin and Hobbes" sunday strip - "McZargolds: About xxx million Earthling burgers sold." Since then, a Commander Keen mod was made, based on Keen Dreams, to produce "Meets the Meats". (the sequel to Keen Dreams) In _this_ case, however, the idea is applied to DooM! Think of it as someone making a Duke Nukem 3d mod based SOLELY on the Duke Burger theme; only it's a DooM mod, not Duke 3d. Instead of making burgers from dogs, they're made of DEMON CORPSES! Invesigate the restaurant, navigate through the managment swamp, and find out what purpose this REALLY serves... Ideas would be welcome. Also, I am only an idea man; if anyone wants to do this as a mod for source ports, go ahead! Feel free to use this post as a basis. :)
  6. I have seen one of the topics where the design of Korax, and the heresiarch, are descussed. However, I have a theory: what if the heresiarch IS Korax? The heresiarch is Korax himself; the Chaos Sphere gave himthe power of omnipresence. He can appear as many times as he wants. Furthermore, the final "Korax" IS his mount; in the event that the REAL heresiarch Korax is killed, his mind is transfered to his sepent as a last resort. Tell me what you think of this theory.
  7. Personally, I got the idea from at least two existing mods; one causes the Cyberdemon to be wearing briefs, and the other pulls the chaingunner's pants down, revealing his boxers. As I recall, there's also one where the imps are wearing bikinis. I was wondering, based on the cyberdemon one, and this thread, if anyone would like to expand said gfx hack?
  8. By now, it is well known that all of the Doom 2 specific monsters were supposed to be in the first game. I was wondering, what if somebody recreated the original 3 episode Doom and a Doom 2 TC? Then you could enhance it the way Id wanted to, but were unable to due to time constraints. Any questions?
  9. I would say the versions of "Army of Darkness" Doom; I really LOVE AoD!
  10. Just wondering one thing; I'd like to ask each of the hellspawn demon characters (former human zombies don't count) - Do you prefer _boxers_ or _briefs_? certain demons, like the cacodemon, pain elemental, revenant, arachnotron and spider mastermind, don't count either.
  11. I noticed the article; this is very anticipated. I would like to see, at least, episode 3 and the boss monsters implemented. After that and a few other neccessites, might we be able to add episode four?...
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