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About NVNice

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  1. That'd be great. Right now I'm using the VANILLA file you have on /res/ and it's worked perfectly. The thing that I found most genius of Doomretro is how it has savegames for each PWAD instead of IWAD. Such a small thing but makes such a strong difference.
  2. Hello! Doom Retro has become my go-to sourceport recently and I thank you for the Vanilla CMND. Is there a way for it to be toggled through Command Line? So, for example if I wanted to play AV I could use "doomretro -iwad DOOM2.WAD -file AV.WAD -vanilla" whereas when playing a more recent mapset (say, Eviternity) I could ignore that last parameter and enjoy all the upgrades of the sourceport without needing two different .cfg files?
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