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About Yurax

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    Green Marine
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  1. Simply - as colonial Mars guard, there were no opportunity and since then he spent years in hell, not succumbing to daemonettes obviously. Then - divinity engine. Space marines in Warhammer 40 000 are also mostly (if not taking chance before being dragged into transformation as young adults) virgins. Maybe even centuries of lifespan.
  2. That artwork for Nekravol entrance looks more like "Hell in 70's brutalist utopian city". Perhaps the choice of derelic stonework that made it to final game is much better.
  3. Why you hate weapons switch? Its fun. Ballista for weakpoints, empty sticky bombs carousel into mob, rocket salvos for big ones, minigun for knights and barons... You want to spray everything with minigun or rocket barrage? Activate cheats then!
  4. Altough i visually prefer NekraHell, for pure level design i prefer Taras Nabad. It has nice pace and i think it is longest of all levels. Both Nekravols are surprisingly short if you play it repeatedly with routine. Also, i like melancholy of long forgotten abandoned city. And it has two (for first run i think 3 - plus mini gore nest) Marauders. I like Marauders. Early levels suffers for lacks of more challenging enemies, if not master ones. If we had already all masters! It cannot be SO hard to just place more enemies. Exultia is really weird, but sorry first level is just too short and warm-up. (And must took so much work for devs to model Tower Citadel). I like cultist base obscure tech and machines also.
  5. For me, it allwas was - Doom2016 = Doom (hell on mars) Eternal = Doom 2 - hell on Earth Same story, just in new graphics and few tweaks. Old Dooms was such graphic abstractness, that nobody notices flow of story, that now you are on infested Earth, there in Sentinel castle and here in Nekravol style factory. You just walk and kill. It was nonsense, that just one surviving soldier handles all that hordes alone - we even as kids notices that - so introduction of enhanced Slayer was only logical.
  6. If Hugo didnt confirm it is Slayers family, it could be, considering Fortress wasnt Slayer personal yacht before, but whole Sentinels base of operations, Betrayer's family, thus Icon of Sin.
  7. I love Sentinel world, but it is much more like ElderScrolls than Doom. So first place is clear - Nekravol style gothic hell. Then Cultist - i love the cyber-steel-industry-occult style. Pity that only two (and early) levels are there. Hell on Earth follows, i admire Super Gore Nest, but in generic office places and atriums i miss something. They seems bit generic. Urdak fits to the story, like place, what Slayer must visit and inevitably destroy. But one (+Holt in DLC) is more than sufficient. Atlantica is one of best maps in terms of map layout, but i would like it in Cultist style much more.
  8. If melee, than by motion controller. That would be great. But please no chair sitting melee game.
  9. Unfortunately third person view one. I was so disappointed by this :(
  10. I am not sure, how the Slayer would react to comissar, increasing morale of his men (in warhammer, it is done by summary shooting the "coward" one among the squad). I think that comissar will be next glory kill. Warhammer game in Eternal style would be great, but with different characters than Slayer. Maybe even both sides playable. Same maps, just switch enemies and allies.
  11. Thats why Samuel notices "and thank you" when Slayer click back up?
  12. It would be nice to have Marauders only mod - normal levels, where in place of all encounters - Marauder! One or two at once, depends on difficulty. And fodder, of course. So one can try such funny approaches without constantly replay beginning of Taras Nabad.
  13. That rune was good, but most cool was "crazy minigunner" rune (rich get richer). Especially with 2016 much aesthetically better minigun. Eternal is such revolutionary FPS, like old Doom was in 93. Now, every other FPS gameplay is desperately boring :(
  14. I like Marauder. Among hordes of mindless beasts, he is only one sentient and experienced combatant. It is supposed to be memorable battle with them. He is rarely backed by mob and rarely fought in pair. Armored Baron is great, even he looks great and only one i hate is blood maykr. But i agree, that cartoony red-green switch is weird, like from some arcade. How else to archieve this? Being a dev, i make Marauder vulnerable to BFG. Not for me, but for the complainers just to waste their BFG shot.
  15. Yes, he needs some mini 5 euro DLC to get Cultist Base master level. I like the platforming. It is very fault tolerant, definitely not pixel sized jumps like in first Half Life. Even such jumping troglodyte like me starts to enjoy Eternal leaps and acrobatics. Moreover if you despite this still fall to abbyss, you appears back at edge with few hitpoints less! Bad hobit when playing 2016. When learnt to use map i even found all secrets without tutorials.
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