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Everything posted by |Raph|

  1. I'm sure it's not a false positive. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/threats/malware-encyclopedia-description?Name=Virus:Win32/Wacatac.B!ml&ThreatID=2147774417 https://cybernews.com/malware/remove-wacatac-trojan-virus/
  2. I just tried to download the final version of Hardfest 2 on idgames and a trojan/virus is detected in the ZIP file. So I'm back to RC2.4 for now.
  3. I just finished playing all the maps and really enjoyed all of them. The difficulty was ramping up with the levels but the last few where clearly easier. Great work from everyone who worked on this project.
  4. I just went through this WAD between yesterday and today. Really great levels. The design, the fights, the balance, everything is on point. I just wish it had a few more maps but it's only because I enjoyed playing it a lot.
  5. I know it's been quite a while now that this pack has been released but I just finished playing it and I liked it a lot. Great visuals, great fights, everything. Nice work from everyone who worked on this project.
  6. Well, I played all the maps available right now and it really is a great Megawad you've been working on! Can't wait to play map 29 and 30! Keep up the good work!
  7. Map31 UV-Max in 17:47.69 boscp31m1747.zip This is my first demo submission ever. Been playing Doom since 1993 but never cared about doing it. Just wanted to contribute to this project demos since I liked it a lot. My goal wasn't to beat the best time, just to finish the map in a single segment while recording it.
  8. It's been some time since my last reply but I just finished all the maps. Map 35 made me struggle a LOT. That's the only map I ended up not getting 100% kills. Overall that's a great set of maps. Really challenging but it made me improve my play a lot. I needed a lot of saves/reload to beat the maps but I've been playing blind all of them. I will replay them all at some point for sure. Thanks to everyone involved in this project, you made a really great job!
  9. I just finished map 10 and quite frankly at first I was sure I would never be able to go through this one. The first fight is simple in look but brutal. The last one with all those Archviles is frightening and until you find the right path to the super fast rocket launcher you're just doomed. Once you get it, it's a piece of cake with all those megaspheres placed in the maze. I'm now at map 11 and I know I will have a hard time because for some reason everytime I try a map made by El Inferno my life in Doom becomes hell. There is something in his way of mapping that pinpoint every weaknesses in my play! :) So far, that's a great set of maps. I like it a lot.
  10. I don't know if it's intended but in MAP05, Oh, Grape by SoBad, if you don't go take the armor on the platforming pillars in the begining you will soft lock the map. I could not find a way to get back up and go walk the linedef that opens the part with all the cacos and a few archviles. Outside of that, I'm having fun so far playing these maps. I'm at map 6 and will comment back when I'm finished playing everything or if I find another problem like this one. :)
  11. I've been playing Hardfest since around Christmas, a few hours here and there. I just finished the whole set on UV and I must admit I had some fun playing it. For me, the real fun kicked in around map12. I think I'm more of a slaughter map fan than anything else so it really suited me more. I tried map 10 a bit but ended up skipping it and same thing for map 11. This type of map really isn't the kind I like but otherwise they were really well done. I think I will try them again someday just to say that I have done them all. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this project! :)
  12. Finally found the time to finish playing this wad. I really enjoyed it and playing it all on UV. The 3 cramped fights in map 7 were really hard but I endend up finding a way to beat them. The timed event fights (arrows and moving safe floor) in map 10 were also challenging. Overall all the maps are great.
  13. I played the first 3 maps and so far I like them. Been playing on UV and the challenge is just right for me. Great set of maps so far. Will report again when I'm finished with all of them.
  14. I just finished playing all the maps and really enjoyed them. El Inferno's map design clearly hits my weaknesses in Doom because his two maps are the ones I struggled the most. There is a problem in map 31 where sometimes you take the green teleporter and the monsters start teleporting in and sometimes they don't. Thank you to everyone who worked on this project, you really gave me some great time playing!! :)
  15. I played all the maps on UV and really like them. The difficulty level is about the same for every maps exept map 3 that was a bit easier compared to the rest (at least for me). Overall, I had a lot of fun playing this.
  16. Thank you! I took your advices on my last map and worked on improving those aspect. I think I will add some med kits/ green armor in the secret fight just to give a better chance against the hell knights projectiles. For the 4 switchs you need to shoot, I think I will make then disapear once you shot them. This way it will be easier to know wich one wasn't done. If you think of anything else to improve, let me know! Thanks again for your time! :)
  17. Great! I will wait for your inputs! Thanks
  18. Hi azerty, I don't know if you're still looking for some maps to test, but I'm taking a chance here! :) This is a slaughter map I've been working on since the begining of the year and I would like to know what you think about it. Especialy on how it looks and ressources distribution. The second fight in the first room is pretty brutal but everything else is more than manageable. Make sure to find and test the optional fight hidden in a secret. Name: One Thousand Years Of Death Doom2 Map 01 No freelook No jump prboom+ complevel 9 OTYOD-beta1.zip Thanks!
  19. Thank you @azerty. I will change the texture of the doors that aren't openable like you stated. Also, it's true that the room with the big crushers need some reworking. I will try to figure out a way to make it more engaging and better looking. Thank you again for your feedback!
  20. Hi, I would be interested to have your feedback on this map I made. I restarted mapping for Doom last year after a 24 years break. This is the second map I made. Thank you for your time! ELEVATE-beta2.zip
  21. This shoud be the last beta of this map. If I don't get any other feedback from my friends or here I'll just wait for the final song to add it and will call it finished. I'm currently happy of the result. I know it doesn't have all the eye candy of many modern maps you can find nowadays but the goal was to make something that looked old school like what I was doing in 1994-2000. One of my friend and my brother finished it so I know I'm not the only one able to do it. Again, your feedback is welcome.
  22. Here's a fifth beta of the wad and it's added in the first post. I changed the name to NEVRREST.WAD. Added deathmatch positions, weapons and items. Improved the look of some rooms. Modified the 3rd wave of the maze to send some monsters elsewhere for later in the game. Added some health, armour and ammo near the beginning.
  23. Added a new version of the WAD file (beta 4) in the first post. I corrected a few misaligned textures and also added a secret with an invulnerability sphere. Somewhat I missed the fact that there was already a "NEVEREST.WAD" from 1994 and I may have to change the name of the level to something else that isn't already used.
  24. Here is another video to show how to make one of the most difficult fight of the level an easy one. Enjoy!
  25. I made a little walkthrough video showing the full level without monsters. This will give you an idea of what you can get and where. https://odysee.com/@lRaphl:5/NEVEREST_Beta3_nomonsters_walkthrough:f
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