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  1. Played through Quake for the first time via the Steam remaster. I had my fun with it, mostly thanks to the more substantial enemies than those in Doom; but the game feels rather anemic in content variety. Then again, they had to somehow get this game with all it's new types of tech out in a timely manner, which is no small feat. Simply seems like a game that could have used a bit more of everything. Frontloading your sparkly new super game with all the intersting maps in the beginning two episodes while having the latter half be mostly just nondescript corridors doesn't help matters. Rather mixed on this overall, legendary status or not.
  2. Took me about a hundred tries(i.e. constant annoying resets) to finally get a favourable hole position and good enough wind as well as actually hitting the ball perfectly. I still have two more condors to go for the platinum trophy. In the same spirit, someone made their own bgm for the metal fort tracks some years ago: making the SNES rock out hard with the plain old soundfont
  3. I like how it keeps me on my toes and be more attentive to make sure that the amount of shots with a weapon I've dealt to an enemy actually did the monster in or not. The occasional deviations in damage dealt/taken liven the game up yet it's usually still consistent enough that you don't have to stress out too much over it. Keep in mind this is coming from a ZDoom only player's perspective. As to what vanilla, Boom and the others do for their calculations, I have no idea. Let alone if there is any notable difference.
  4. Another thing for first time players: Make sure to find the secret exit in MAP12 that takes you to the secret MAP31. Don't spoil yourself on what awaits you there and go in blind, it'll be worth it.
  5. Tower of WAR Rather charming in an old-timey sense. Lots of symmetry and simple geometries. Far removed from the modern sensibilites of map-making; but that makes works like these stand out a little more today, for better or worse. MAP04 was far more fun than I would have expected a small map that's basically nothing but office cubicles to be. I'm not that far in and apparently it gets more interesting and complex later on.
  6. Oh, thanks. I didn't actually think of looking up if there was one beforehand. I guess I assumed that there weren't demos for this WAD out there.
  7. I'd like to see a UV run of Doomed: By the Hour's MAP28. No specific category, just wanting to know how to weave through the mass of monsters successfully. I've tried it a few times ever since playing the WAD last year but never figured out how to carve a way through the monsters.
  8. You better prepare you anus for MAP17. Unusually nasty for a map that goddamn old. You probably also don't wanna see anymore Revenants and Shotgunners for a while after clearing this WAD. Plutonia has nothing on this in this regard.
  9. I bought Chuck's Challenge 3D on the cheap during the steam sale and am liking it a lot. The amount of different objects to interact seems pretty high comapred to most puzzle games and the advertised challenge is certainly there. Since Chip's Challenge is free on Steam, I've downloaded that too. I still have that disc around the house from way back in the day. Screenfun had some very premium full version retail games and plenty of fun freeware games on it's coverdiscs for a couple years. The magazine didn't cost more than 5 bucks at the very most IIRC, so the value certainly was there.
  10. Pretty cool megawad to play along with this newest video. MAP10 had me reach for the level skip cheat by the time of the yellow key fight at the end. There wasn't even anything glaringly wrong with it(somewhat unclear signposting of the blue key doors and yellow key teleporter aside) but maps that take this long on first try really wear out my patience when they feature as many big fights as this has back-to-back. Disagreeing is part of the fun, indeed. I'm thankful that the start of Episode 2 scales things back down again for now.
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