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About YourOpinionsAreWRONG

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  1. Oh yeah, I forgot I said that haha. Honestly, I don't think I'm going to do that anymore, It's just too much work. The main reason (I think) it's only compatable with GZDoom is because I use wall textures on the floor, and viseversa. The big reason that's difficult to convert is because floor textures can only be 64x64 and the big door textures (which I use at the end) are 128x128, so I'd need to convert the door textures into 4 seperate textures and I'd basically have to make a large grid using the line tool If I were to really convert it all, which, if I'm being honest, I don't think I'm prepaired to do. (Keep in mind, I'm a complete novice when it comes to codding/ systems, so there's a chance everything I just said is complete bollocks, so keep that in mind haha) And to be fair, the reach I've had with this WAD already has been pretty insane to say the least, so I personally don't think it's worth it to make it compatible with PrBoom+ or the others.
  2. Dude, that was so f**king awesome! It was really fascinating seeing the evolution of the map. You did a great job capturing what the process of creating a Doom map is like. Really hope this does well.
  3. Hey everyone. I'm doing a live stream to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of my WAD "The Thing you can't Defeat." Check it out!
  4. Hey, guys!!! So next Tuesday is actually the one-year anniversary of The Thing you can't Defeat! So to celebrate, I thought I'd do a live stream! Not gonna be anything too exciting, just gonna be playing some Doom WADs. So if you have any suggestions for what I should play, let me know! (Keeping in mind, I have already played MyHouse haha) So yeah, if you're interested, It's gonna start on July 25th at 7:30pm GMT on the YourOpinionsAreWRONG youtube channel. Hope to see you there!!!
  5. I guess It depends on what you mean by "on the fly." I had a lot of ideas in my head for how I wanted it to look, I just didn't write any of it down. But was also a lot of just going into the maps and changing things as I went. But yeah, I just kinda winged it, mostly.
  6. Gonna give this WAD a try soon. Without anyone spoiling anyway, should I read the journal before or after I've played the WAD?
  7. I guess Midi's are best for a more "authentic" Doom experience, but if using non-midi's work for the WAD, it works for the WAD and I don't see why you shouldn't do it at that point. That being said, I used MP3s for my WAD which made the file size more than 350mb! Nearly killed the launch, luckily @RastaManGames saved my ass by compressing the files down to 15mb. So, make sure that doesn't happen haha.
  8. Hey thank you for watching, I'm glad you enjoyed it! The crew was relatively small, about 10 people (including myself) and we shot the whole thing over the course of 4 days.
  9. Hi everyone. So my real name is Laurence Roberts and I'm a filmmaker from the UK. My short film called "The Amazing World of Emma" has been on a festival run for the past year, but just yesterday it was finally released for the world to see on the YouTube channel Million Youth Media. It's basically consumed my life for the past couple of years so I hope everyone enjoys it! Let me know what you think!
  10. Trying to beat Ultimate Doom on Nightmare difficulty for the first time! NM100. https://www.twitch.tv/youropinionsarewrong
  11. Oh wow! Thank you very much for mentioning my WAD. I'm happy to hear that the WAD left a impact on you :D
  12. You, sir. Are pure evil. Seriously though, this is pretty great for a first map and there were a lot of creative uses of the graphics which looked really cool. It was really challenging as well! Normally I like to UVMAX everything but I couldn't on this one. Also, bonus points for NOT using Running from Evil.
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