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About Carnevil

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  1. I don't have the rights to the music - Bobby kept those, so he'd be the one to ask. Pretty sure the original music is MIDI too, and just got exported to a different audio format, so if you're super lucky (or ask very nicely!) you could get the originals. Probably a longshot, but just throwing that out there.
  2. Alright, well I've finally posted some actual gameplay footage of Wrack! This is just raw footage straight from the game with only a couple of minor edits. The map is E1M2.


    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. Carnevil


      I don't mean to keep bumping this, but I finally got around to making a blog post on a lot of what's been discussed in here. You guys might find it interesting:


    3. Dragonsbrethren


      Now see how easy that was? The first shot is made so much better just by having a side area. The bridge is another good one.

    4. 40oz


      Phew! I was really worried you weren't gonna take our advice, I'm glad you made these improvements, it's really gonna add an extra dimension to these maps.

  3. ... you can if you’re a mapper!

    I've got more about it here, but the basic jist of it is that I want to give some mappers/modders the opportunity to get a head start since it'd be nice if there's already some maps/mods made when Wrack comes out (which shouldn't be too long from now!).

    So, if you'd be interested in this, just let me know at bmc431@gmail.com. Thanks!

    1. Tango


      i will say the game looks like it's shaping up pretty well. the screens look pretty appealing.

    2. Janizdreg


      Have you tried asking the GameDev.net forums for help?

      Oh, and thanks for fixing the links to Skulltag wiki on the Skulltag front page. Could you also update the Doom Wiki link (now at http://doomwiki.org/) and Freedoom link (now at http://www.nongnu.org/freedoom/) plus remove the dead CTF League link?

      EDIT: just noticed there are still a few Skulltag-related outdated links too. Namely, the gameplay modes link (which is now at http://wiki.skulltag.net/Game_Modes), instagib link (now at http://wiki.skulltag.net/Game_Modes#Instagib), buckshot link (now at http://wiki.skulltag.net/Game_Modes#Buckshot) and the FAQ link (now at http://wiki.skulltag.net/FAQ).

    3. Carnevil


      Despite the lack of responses in this particular thread, I actually have gotten several responses, and many of them are already trying their hand at modding and mapping for Wrack. So, I'm pretty excited about that! :)

      Also, if there's ever a problem with the ST site, just email me. Those issues aren't related to the topic. Plus, I don't check Doomworld all that often (it doesn't help that I never seem to get an email notification when there's new posts in topics I subscribe to), so you're lucky that I saw it all.

      In any case, I've fixed the links, but in the future, feel free to let me know more directly.

  4. As those of you who follow me on Twitter may know, I've been making a huge amount of progress on Wrack's maps. In roughly a month's time, I've completed the layouts and done the gameplay for almost ALL of episode 2's maps! Now that's progress! (And they're not exactly slapped together either - the concepts behind these maps are things I've wanted to do for YEARS, and only now have the programming ability to pull them off!)

    Sadly, these levels (along with most of episode 1's maps) are completely unlit, undetailed, and untextured. To right this wrong, I've decided to speed the mapping process along by bringing someone else onto the team.

    I'm looking for someone to take level layouts and sculpt them into something beautiful. This involves texturing, lighting, architecture, etc. If making pretty levels is a strength of yours, then you may have what it takes to join our team!

    Also, you will be paid for this. So, yeah. There's that.

    Anyway, if you're capable of taking godawful pieces of shit like this:

    ... and turning it into masterful works of art like this:

    ... let me know at bmc431@gmail.com! Please show some samples of your work.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Carnevil


      No such program exists. Even if it did... no.

    3. printz


      40oz said:

      Can I create doom levels and have someone translate them into Wrack levels? 3D mapping scares me.

      You'd still be impaired in the third dimension, unless you took care to sketch the 3d parts.

    4. Bucket


      Damn. I'd love to pick up another job right now, but it's been years since I did any 3D mapping.

  5. http://www.wrackgame.com/
    (formerly Project Vega)

    Well, I'm very pleased to announce the new name/logo/website/trailer for the new game I'm making, Wrack! Feel free to look around at new screenshots, the story, and even a brand-spanking new trailer! :)

    I'd love to hear what you guys think! Hopefully some of you guys end up making maps and mods for this in the near future as well :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mithran Denizen

      Mithran Denizen

      Yeah, I can't form much of an opinion from the trailer alone, but I do like a lot of what I see here. Nice job in any case; it seems to have come a long way from those old Project Vega screenshots I remember from a few years ago.

    3. AndrewB


      After watching the trailer, I concur with Bank. The game is being different ... in exactly the same way as every other "different" game out there.

      The levels seem very plain... Almost SLIGE like. It seems that the game was designed around the graphics engine, with the gameplay thrown in to hold it all together. For an indie project, it REALLY needs to be the other way around.

    4. Carnevil


      AndrewB said:

      It seems that the game was designed around the graphics engine, with the gameplay thrown in to hold it all together. For an indie project, it REALLY needs to be the other way around.

      It has been the other way around. Much of the focus to this point has been on the gameplay. It's been a lot of setting/tweaking properties, working out the mechanics, coming up with attacks and behaviors, doing the level layouts and gameplay (all of episode 1 is all done, but only the first 3 levels are textured), etc. One of the levels actually has a really nifty secret that you can only access if you go to the bonus/secret level. These kinds of things don't really translate well into trailers, but I assure you a LOT of work and thought has gone into the gameplay. Whether it sucks or not is obviously for you all to judge :)

  6. Well, I had been planning on going to QuakeCon this year to meet some new people, as well as to show our latest bunch of progress with Project Vega/Last Bastion. But, as it turns out, the rooms are incredibly expensive (would have cost me more than $500 just to have a place to sleep at night), and I no longer have someone to split the costs with. Plus, this year it's all first-come-first-serve, and the only way to have a guaranteed spot is to have a room at that ridiculously expensive hotel. So, if I stayed somewhere else that's cheaper, I might not even get in :\ Blah.

    Oh well. I was going to show off a video of the first level of Last Bastion being played there, but instead, I'll just share a screenshot with you all. Maybe this is an improvement from my previous showing :P Enjoy!

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. ReFracture


      Ah, glad to hear you are going. I was offered the chance to go with some friends, but I don't have the money to contribute in gas or paying for a room.

    3. Bucket


      I wish I had the free time to go to QuakeCon. Or be an artist for a game, for that matter.

    4. printz


      Hire 40oz to do the textures for your project.

  7. Hello world!

    For those of you who care, we've just finished up work on our most recent phase, which was to put together a small demo representing the gameplay/visual style of the final product. We're now in position to find a publisher and get this sucker done!

    So why should you care? Easy: screenshots and a video!

    I've put up a whole new batch of screenshots over at our dev blog, as well as an HD video of the gameplay in this demo.

    I hope you guys like it! A lot of work has gone into this demo, and I think everything's come out great so far. But hey, I'm biased, so many everything is actually super sucky.

    Anyway, enjoy!

    More screenshots

    Watch at YouTube

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. DuckReconMajor


      Carnevil said:

      Look, I did say that I want people who are objective.

      So being "objective" is being a yes-man who agrees with everyone else's opinion on a certain movie? Oh wait, I thought you didn't want yes-men.

      Creaphis said:

      Now it sounds like you're just finding ways to discredit what your testers say.

    3. Bank


      Your aesthetic direction is bland and amateur, the only interesting part in the entire demo is the snowy mountain out the window.

      Give it some personality instead of this awful mid-90s looking shit. Think visually because you're certainly not going to win any hyper-realism awards, so why not go ultra-stylized and give the player some really beautiful illustrative visuals instead of gray gray gray boring boring boring. You had a bunch of fun with skulltag, why not this?

    4. Carnevil


      Actually, that's the plan! I can only do so much myself, though, and I have zero artistic talent. Once we get some more help, we'll certainly make it a lot more lively and interesting looking.

      EDIT: And actually, that's UT2K4 textures that we're using. So it's mid-2000's shit... not mid-90's shit :)

  8. So the new FPS project I'm working on, Project Vega, is hiring. Specifically, we're looking for level designers and beta testers, and I know there's a lot of talented people here who might be interested. So, I thought I'd share these fine opportunities with you all.

    If you have no idea what the hell Project Vega is and why I'm invading your forums (heh), it's all explained right here! If you do know what it is, and are interested in joining up... read on!


    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. ArmouredBlood


      Bucket said:

      Any chance we can get our hands on the editor so we can submit a test map for approval?

      I third that motion. Of course if we get the map editor we have to have something to test it with ... would that be a problem?

      EDIT: had a look at your other blog posts and saw the pic of the editor view. It topdown does look like doombuilder, and the 2 other axes kinda remind me of how radiant was when playing around with it. The complexity of the side views looks a little squished, is there a function to split the level into chunks so the side view only sees 256-512-1024 etc. type of chunks?

    3. Carnevil


      I'd love to let you guys take a crack at the editor, but we'd have to release some sort of demo along with it, which we can't do right now. For those of you who are interested in applying, I'd be happy to look at any maps you've made for other games - Doom or otherwise. I'm confident that you'd be able to learn how to make maps with this editor without too much trouble.

      ArmouredBlood said:

      EDIT: had a look at your other blog posts and saw the pic of the editor view. It topdown does look like doombuilder, and the 2 other axes kinda remind me of how radiant was when playing around with it. The complexity of the side views looks a little squished, is there a function to split the level into chunks so the side view only sees 256-512-1024 etc. type of chunks?

      No, but I've thought about implementing something like that, and could do so if needed.

    4. ArmouredBlood


      Carnevil said:

      I'd love to let you guys take a crack at the editor, but we'd have to release some sort of demo along with it, which we can't do right now.

      No, but I've thought about implementing something like that, and could do so if needed.

      @ first; heh, too much work? :P Guess the quakecon stuff is horribly outdated then. Or was it a demo for the editor itself? I'll go with that.

      @ second; eh I don't think it'd be necessary really, I think I'd just make new parts of the level far enough away diagonally to have both side and front view be clear then move the whole thing to connect it when done. Depending on how easy or hard this is would make how much of a 'meh' or 'thank you god!' type of response I'd have to the function ;)

  9. So tomorrow I'm headed up to QuakeCon to show off for the first time my new project, Project Vega. We've been working on a playable demo for the past few months for QuakeCon, and have pretty much got it all done!

    The demo has three maps, four different monsters, and a pistol and shotgun. I'll be letting anyone there play it who wants to, so if you're going to QuakeCon, be sure to stop by!

    Anyway, here's some screenshots of the demo. Enjoy :)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. DuckReconMajor


      devblog said:

      start actively searching for a publisher


      So, like, you're actually going to try to sell this? Are publishers going to pay some development costs?

    3. deathbringer


      When i finally get around to learning to use the 3D game making engine i spent £160 and have barely opened since i want to make an FPS that only requires the use of 5 keys and has a very miminal storyline. Just with SOF2 gore. So i wish you luck!

    4. Carnevil


      DuckReconMajor said:


      So, like, you're actually going to try to sell this? Are publishers going to pay some development costs?

      That's the goal! It'd be nice to actually be able to start paying people.

  10. Recently I stopped working on Skulltag so that I could focus on a completely new project. As you might imagine, this project is a brand new FPS, which is codenamed Vega.

    Vega is currently being worked on by WastedYouth (who made the map featured below), Mechadon, and (obviously) me. It will feature gameplay similar to Doom, in that it will be simple, fast, and furious. It will also be very easy to mod, so those of you who enjoy modding should be pleased.

    Anyway, enough chatter. Here are some screenshots:

    SHOT #1: The center area. The central column has a lift that takes you to the top.

    SHOT #2: The inner passageways, showing off the dynamic lighting.

    SHOT #3: The corner of the map, showing off some blue lighting.

    SHOT #4: The edge of the map. Hey look! Room over room!

    BONUS: A shot of the editor, with the above map loaded.

    We've been working very hard on it, and hope you enjoy this sneak peek at it :)

    We've also just set up a blog where you will be able to follow Vega's development, as well as read about some of the technology behind it. You can find the blog at http://vega.skulltag.com/.

    Anyway, that's it for now!

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. kristus


      deathbringer said:

      How will enemies / objects / weapons etc be created? Or will it be

      "Make them in 3Ds Max and import them"
      "I haven't got 3Ds Max"
      "Torrent it lolz"

      Only people who doesn't know better use 3d Max for modeling.

    3. Bucket


      And what does people who does know better uses?

    4. kristus


      For sculpt modeling, Zbrush or Mudbox. (I've only used Mudbox though)

      For general all purpose modeling apps, Modo. Lightwave is also good, and from what I understand Silo3d too.

      But Modo is really the best since it's got customization coming out of it's ass. The program doesn't tell you how to model. You tell it how you want to model.

      As for animation. I really have very limited experience as I've only used 3d studio versions for that so far. But that's where it's strenths are. It's a studio program more than anything. Not a modeling program.

      Maya is a program famous mostly for it's powerful animation abilities. But also for it's poor modeling tools. I've yet to actually try it out myself though.

  11. Please post any comments you have about v0.95g here. Thanks!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Carnevil


      Infinite Ammunition said:

      I like the cooler-looking in-game message scrolling, but I HATE the white text in the menus.

      heh, the white text is brighter than normal, but it's fixed in the latest version of ZDoom (and thus will be fixed in the next version of Skulltag)

    3. bond


      when there are several weapons binded to one key, for example grenade and rocket launcher, it requires too many time to switch to last weapon (in such fast game like doom, especially in ffa with many players). i remember that in other games in similar situations it is possible to hit key twice to switch to second weapon. may be skulltag can also implement this feature?

    4. Carnevil


      New thread time, now that 95h is here!

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