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About Carnevil

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    I fail it.
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  1. So tomorrow I'm headed up to QuakeCon to show off for the first time my new project, Project Vega. We've been working on a playable demo for the past few months for QuakeCon, and have pretty much got it all done!

    The demo has three maps, four different monsters, and a pistol and shotgun. I'll be letting anyone there play it who wants to, so if you're going to QuakeCon, be sure to stop by!

    Anyway, here's some screenshots of the demo. Enjoy :)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. DuckReconMajor


      devblog said:

      start actively searching for a publisher


      So, like, you're actually going to try to sell this? Are publishers going to pay some development costs?

    3. deathbringer


      When i finally get around to learning to use the 3D game making engine i spent £160 and have barely opened since i want to make an FPS that only requires the use of 5 keys and has a very miminal storyline. Just with SOF2 gore. So i wish you luck!

    4. Carnevil


      DuckReconMajor said:


      So, like, you're actually going to try to sell this? Are publishers going to pay some development costs?

      That's the goal! It'd be nice to actually be able to start paying people.

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