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About eev

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  1. You're probably the only other person I've seen to point out the "vania" part of Metroid-clones being completely nonsensical lol

  2. Tested with DOOM RETRO and the gun and flashlight cause a crash, just a heads up.
  3. If Fortnite shuts down then it's gone, there's no custom servers or local support far as I know. Only hope then would be for people to reverse engineer the servers and make a spoof one that they can use which may or may not be feasible, many of these games are purposely designed to make that task impossible. I'm already guessing Epic wouldn't release tools for it either.
  4. The concept of calling things a clone of something they share some similarities with isn't something that has gone away, we call any game with permadeath and procedural generation a "roguelike" even if they play nothing like rogue, or every game similar to Metroid a "Metroidvania" even when it has no Castlevania inspiration. Doom was the popular thing at the time and there was no set concept of a "First Person Shooter", so Doom clone was the way to refer to this kind of game while people didn't know what else to call them.
  5. Simply that this can be put in a WAD instead and just let people load it up on their game, no need for another exe. Although source ports just wouldn't work with it at all and it takes a lot of work, so you gotta pick your audience.
  6. The ACE engine is used to inject code directly into the game and get stuff to work, you can look at it here: Hasn't been used to add room over room on anything yet but I think it should be possible, it'd just take a lot of time. It's like having a hack, a mod and a source port all in one, don't know if people still have a good idea of where to categorize it.
  7. Worth mentioning that features commonly associated with ZDOOM like MAPINFO, SNDINFO and polyobjects have their origin on Hexen, so I'd say Raven is probably the most important in giving these features to the idtech engine that ports could build on.
  8. Until source ports, no real room over room for idtech 1.
  9. The original has them red so I don't think it should be an issue to keep them in this case, otherwise if you really want to change them I always found the red hearts more natural. Wolfenstein 3D did the change to hearts on medkits on the PS3/360 and I never saw anyone complain about that one.
  10. Seeing the title I admittedly got a little weary but honestly Boom Modern does look pretty nice. I always had an issue with everything cramping together in one corner with the original Boom HUD, so I'm glad to see a better alternative for that. Colors also somehow look nicer so are they changed or am I insane?
  11. @ramon.dexterthe lights are defined, but as you can see in the screenshots they're barely visible on sectors with high lighting. But I've been told that and seen that you can make the lights stronger and that's what I'm looking to do, but I couldn't find any way to do that.
  12. I've been trying to add some dynamic lighting to some decorations in gzdoom, but they barely make the lights visible under most of the map because it has a lot of bright sectors. I've been told I can make the lights stronger on gzdoom but even after looking at other mods and the zdoom wiki I couldn't figure it out, how can I do that?
  13. Holy shit you're back with doom maps! Now I'll need to clear out my afternoon for them!
  14. Decohack Bug? State freeing for weapons is a little faulty, when doing: weapon 1 free Fire weapon 1 "Pistol" { states { fire: PISG A 3 PISG B 6 A_FirePistol PISG C 3 PISG B 4 A_RefireTo(Fire) goto ready } } It seems like it should only free the states under "fire", but it also frees the state on "ready" and it caused the weapon to fire uncontrollably the moment it got ready at starting the game, so I had to add: states { ready: PISG A 1 A_WeaponReady loop fire: PISG A 3 PISG B 6 A_FirePistol PISG C 3 PISG B 4 A_RefireTo(Fire) goto ready } This just ends up not modifying the ready state on the patch at all, only prevents decohack from modifying it, so it ends up being redundant when specifying to only free the fire state.
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