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About Doom4fun

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  1. Weather is getting cloudy....
  2. Thanks for nice Doom music playlist on youtube. What media player did you use to play those tracks?

    1. NuruTheDoomer


      No problem! And I'm planning on posting more soon hopefully when I'm not too busy


      I used VirtualMIDISynth to render all of the MIDI tracks to MP3s/WAVs alongside the RLNDGM.sf2 soundfont which I have set up in it's Configurator. Hope this helps! Just ask me if you have questions ;)

    2. Doom4fun




      I was looking to listen doom tacks locally. I wanted to gain independence from Windows Media Player since MS may drop midi support when they find it's too ancient. Sofar I struggled to find media player that can both accurately play midis and and also support other formats. But converting them to mp3 works also. Didn't think of it myself.


      Anyways would you be interested in making playlist of unique tracks? I mean those 2 hour long videos have some overlap - that is tracks that are present in more than 1 video. If you have all midis extracted from all wads you could easily write some some python script that will only leave you with unique tracks. I mean unique by actual file content not by file name. If you are not technical person I could either help you to write this script or you could PM me zip and I could PM you back zip with duplicates removed.

  3. Would it be possible to include textures from those other required mods as well? So that it I wont want entire mod I could still just play the map itself? Idea would be to make map not depend on anything else that iwad so that people can download just 1 file and start playing. Right now this is how I seed:
  4. Hi! Nice mod. Would it be possible to make it point to switch target? I hate maps where I press switch and then have to search for half hour to find which door it opened only to give up and open this map in doom builder to figure that out. For example after I press switch draw arrow pointing to target sector on map or flash the target sector few times. Would be also cool to highlight sectors whose floor height is currently changing because some elevators are too well hidden.
  5. It would be actually interesting to learn about it. could you tell in few words what it is and what triggers it? Is it TAS only trick? Can it be performed in zdoom too?
  6. How can I reach the switch in MAP30 that lowers floor with tag 43? It is behind teleporting line.
  7. I like your maps - no long key search or switch puzzles to solve, just monster.
  8. That sounds much like people's arguments against rooting an android or right to repair and so on: "I don't need this option, so you also must not be allowed to have a choice.".
  9. Who else got here from this TAS video? Have to say it's nice to see fine detailed slaughter maps. I am always interested in maps that have monster count of Holy Hell Revealed and detail level of Sunder. This wad is has maps that have elements from both.
  10. Good maps! Here is a small mod that improves performance a little bit for gzdoom. The file is named zip because this site didnt allow uploading pk3. Just rename it to pk3 yourself. Basically this mod deletes corpses 1 second after death so the more you kill the faster it becomes. Map05 ran 20-30 frames per sec for most of time. Towards end it allows like 40-50 fps. The reason behind is that corpses still consume CPU time. And if that is not enough you can disable brightness calculations for monsters using give infrared console command. This way potato computers gzdoom can still somewhat smoothly run this map. GarbageCollect.zip
  11. Do you have any limitations on which maps you take for YT requests.

    Your excel doesn't have any rules listed. But looking what you have posted so far, you don't seem to like slaughter maps or ultra-nightmare difficulty level maps?

    Thought it would be good to have those listed somewhere in case you have some preferences/restrictions.

    1. DavidN


      That’s a good idea, I’ll add those. I generally prefer maps of average difficulty, just because I’m not all that good at slaughter gameplay :)

  12. Hi! This script is there to hide cacodemons copses in outdoor area. When you press switch on outdoor area it releases 1682 cacodemons. Their copses make it difficult to see because there are so many of these. This is also why I lifted invulnerability spheres in the air - so that you could see them above corpses. You can compare this with and without this script. With Russian Over kill it should be pretty fast to get there with noclip and then give everything to get weapons + items. Or with no gun mods use sv_fastweapons 2 and sv_infiniteammo 1 to speed yourself up a little bit. I think Guncaster (I have not played it myself) either calls script nr 1000 on each kill which in this map happens to be overwritten by my script or it is assigning all monsters tag 1000 which causes script to be executed. I think more correct way would have been to remove this line: SetActorFlag(1000, "USEKILLSCRIPTS", TRUE);
  13. Did you happen to use nukes - like slot 8 weapons and their secondary fire? If yes you might want to look into RO optimization tutorial: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?p=1184589 . The nukes slow it down because they do 0 damage to those outside of blast radius which means that it will waste still CPU time on monsters who do not need to be damaged. With this optimization you can even play Holy Hell Revealed if you want. It seems that author has worked on some performance issues lately but not on A_SuperExplode. If the problem was with machineguns, don't pick up caliber upgrade (blue berserk replacement) as it upgrades your bullets to explode on impact. Currently I would not like to reduce the number of monsters. Specially since what is too much is very individual - some people still use 2 GHz CPU and still get lag while others use 5 GHz CPU and they get bored in map designed for 2 GHz. Map that is optimized for your computer may still run slow for someone else.
  14. Yes, sadly, that's life. Sometimes you can put in months of effort and get just 5 likes and few comments. And other times you spend 2 hours to make nuts.wad and you get entire world's attention for for eternity. And yes, I agree that it is very good map - otherwise I would not have used it as a base. It looks modern unlike some slaughter maps that are still stuck in 90s. And that level of detail in city which is purely decorative and evening atmosphere in outdoor area looks excellent. My only complaint was that sometimes I was running circles because some important stuff weren't properly highlighted.
  15. Actually I am happy that you did this map. In every slaughter map topic I see people who are not happy that beautiful map is turned in slaughter map. Now I can just link your original map to everyone who complains about monster count. Ok to be honest I have one complaint myself - I aimed for 20+ k monsters but my 3.7 GHz CPU was not happy to have that many monsters in single outdoor area. Ok one could maybe add 2-5k monsters indoors but that would make it even more packed. Luckily 2nm chip was announced recently so after 5 years I or someone else could add missing monsters to get total count at least 20k.
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