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About Korp

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  1. doodle by me :3 Hello guys! i figured it was as good of a time as any to post all the musical pieces i've written over the past 4 or so years, its been mostly hiding on my profiles and bio's for a while but it would suit better to be its own post at this point. The archive is almost always constantly updated, and new stuff of varying styles and moods are regularly coming up every month or so. Everything is 100% free to use for and reuse non-commercial works as long as credit is given. Anyhow, i hope you find something of interest or worth using on your projects, thanks! DOWNLOAD LINK
  2. Korp

    Oh hello, i had no idea you had an account! :3

    1. WaKa


      hiiii i have one but I never use it lol

  3. I could also try my hand at composing too, I've yet to properly score something for UDoom.
  4. I'm sure a lot of people are making Halloween themed wads, so since i can't map for shit. Here's a caco pumpkin to feel complete. :P Made from scratch, besides the caco horns. Happy Halloween! EDIT: Made a WAD with recolored projectiles, and the offsets were done by Alaux, you may get it here.
  5. Square Lead, one of the most useful. It can work as a bass, pad, lead or even fun to make crazy risers or effects with it. And people seriously need to use the Chiff Lead more often, its a cute sound.
  6. Just finished another tune, not very deathmatch-y but its still fast-paced, and a bit silly. D30 - Kizibash.zip
  7. IIRC, DWANGO20 had a HitFloor midi, so i made one aswell. D30 - DWAN3O.zip
  8. Okay, i managed to quickly throw in a little track. Its a bit basic for my usual but im just testing ground here, Enjoy ;) D30 - Teleporter.zip
  9. Woah, 30 years already?. I'm not much of a mapper but i could write bespoke midis for some of the maps. :3
  10. Done!... I Regret not checking the list before recreating Map03's midi, Oh well! I'll share it anyway with Map20's so my headache wasnt in vain. Apologies again! :P
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