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About BCHQ

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  1. Tangerine SunderLust, YES please! Looks absolutely gorgeous, I'm sure it's as deadly as it seems to be :) *looks at title* Does it have reavers?
  2. Man, I gotta ask. Is there something wrong with my (supposedly default) settings? (GZDoom g4.11.3 on Mac) I thought this weird lighting was intentional at first, but having checked Vytaan and other playthroughs on YT, it doesn't seem to be the case. Maps 06 and 31 on screenshots.
  3. I don't know if it was posted or not, but in MAP03: Sonder, in the SE arena, blockers can be temporarily broken into pieces if a monster/player stands on top of them. When the rest of the blocker will go up it will become whole again. Present in RC4.
  4. Map numbers give the date 08.04.2021 but I don't know what is significant about it.
  5. Dodging stuff? Both ways. Circling and jumping? Left / clockwise pretty much always. I'm a confused lefty irl. I had a couple funny moments in maps I can't remember now where the author intended a right-sided SR jump and I couldn't do it to save my life.
  6. Man, THIS is the way to release stuff. Not a hint, just dropping the whole thing on our heads out of nowhere. This is how legends are made (c) some Youtuber, probably Congratulations, @Dragonfly and everybody involved! Screenshots look jaw dropping as always. Also, a nice way to derail the Sigil II hype a little bit :D
  7. Doom have always been a very underground band, Romero's tastes were much more mainstream. I'm pretty sure the game's logo is mostly inspired by the old Metallica logo. Maybe the band's is too.
  8. Wanted to replay MAP16 and encountered a strange bug: a switch supposed to lower the obstacle raises it even higher instead. PrBoom Version (OSX), Sunder 2407. The switch works as it should in GZDoom. Weird, since I'm sure I've beaten the map before in the same PrBoom version.
  9. Hooray, it's happening! And the screenshots look very intriguing, 3 and 9 especially.
  10. It's not an ammo belt, it's a golden chain. There's a lot of money in killing Doomguys.
  11. They have always been connected: https://heretic.fandom.com/wiki/Serpent_Riders
  12. Damn, Doom and K2 together? That's more death than megadeath!
  13. It takes time and practice (and then a bit of luck anyway) but yes, it's possible. Not taking damage is kinda the point.
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