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About RataUnderground

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    Abstract mapper /I\
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  1. I pretty much only make individual maps or work on collaborative projects, but aside from my Habitats series, my idea is to someday put all those individual maps together into a megawad. We'll see how that goes when I launch it in 2032.
  2. I'm not American, but based on recent events, I believe that what would happen if Hell invaded the United States is that your government would first deny the invasion, then recommend drinking bleach to stop the invasion, and finally shoot blacks, asians, and latinos, claiming that they are also demons. Maybe you'll stop the invasion in the end, but by then you'd be so immersed in fascism that you'd need doomguy to get you out of it. Edit: I just realized that this plot has already been described in The New Colossus. Good game, I have to say. In Spain, we would have Doom 2 in Spain only, which is considerably more difficult than Doom 2, so I don't feel bad saying that we would probably have a bad time too.
  3. Good luck with this, but I'm gonna be blunt. Your work looks very crude and amateurish. Maybe you should try a smaller scale project just to improve, like making a new HUD bar or something, and see how it works.
  4. Weird. I just tried (Linux Mint) and putting the iwad in said folder, the game starts without problem. Maybe by downloading Flatseal and activating these permissions?
  5. It's curious how much digital ink was poured into this thread for an option from which I hardly notice any difference when playing. My only problem, last year and now, is that Software, Vanilla and Classic (faster) are three names that seem to say exactly the same thing, and also as I understand it the default option is not the "correct" one in terms of fidelity to the Original Doom. On the other hand, and although it is a bit offtopic, how can I make gameplay options like "freelook off" stay saved? GzDoom is not the sourceport I use the most, but sometimes I am forced to use it and I always have to change these options when starting the game.
  6. Neat concept for a brief secion in a larger map. This gave me some ideas.
  7. Tried everything, couldn't get the "surprise". If anybody makes it, post a video or something xD
  8. Despite how small it is, it is very cute and detailed. And for some reason, sinister. I was all the while expecting some kind of scare. Why was the bathroom door open when I came back?
  9. I obviously didn't know that IATYTD doubled ammo, split damage and had the same monsters as HNTR, and that HMP and UV only differed from the previous ones in that they had more monsters, and that N doubled ammo and monsters and these were faster. But when you see a difficulty selection you know that the first option is the easier one and the last is the harder one, there was no confusion on that aspect.
  10. I think I've been in a state of complete apathy for the triple-A video game industry for more than fifteen years, with the addition that I'm not too excited about the indie scene either, even though I eventually play things that I enjoy in both sectors. Sometimes I think if I even like video games anymore, beyond the theoretical concept, and even though I have never stopped playing my favorites.
  11. I haven't been very deep into it and its use is certainly very advanced, DoomMake is designed to develop in doom using a modern workflow. You know, put the project stuff in folders, have a git repository where several people can collaborate, build the project.... It might be worth a look.
  12. I think its eurodance these days, mostly.
  13. At this point I would prefer a realistic game with sci-fi touches than the evolutionary dead-end street that is this over-the-top, cartoony style of Doom Eternal. I'm not exactly thrilled.
  14. Thanks for playing! I fixed the softlock and some other things that bugged me. Version 2.0 is out! https://mega.nz/file/EbJBQYSY#6epYUreEJQH7fnGCp-bmsT86HIjCy9kkiBZ_GExVp60
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