Thank you very much for your substantive answer to my question! This is my dilemma. On the one hand - as a true fan of this game, I would love to get version 1.1 with a blue logo on the disk label - the important thing is that it is the first registered release, and it comes from 1993 (premiere), and not like version 1.2 from 1994 . It is true that version 1.2 appeared only two months later than version 1.1 and still before the premiere of Doom 2. On the other hand, as you wrote and also others mentioned on this forum - version 1.1 has errors and shortcomings, which were partially fixed in version 1.2 or later (even on floppy disks, along with version 1.1, there was a patch for version 1.2 that fixed some bugs). I'm still wondering. But answers like yours @ludicrous_peridot can help me make a decision. For now, I have come to the conclusion that when it comes to the collection itself, it is worth having version 1.1 on disks. However, when it comes to playability itself, due to errors and missing difficulty levels (like the mentioned nightmare), it is not worth hunting for it so much.